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Sam's POV
So payback is a bitch,sorry Colby. Stephanie,myself and Colby's brother (Gage) are going to pull a prank on Colby. So I'm going to act crazy and have a fake (but looks real) knife against Stephanie's throat, and see what Colby will do .

The prank
Gage walks in and starts to talking to Stephanie. I'm going to slowly walk in and grab Stephanie. Stephanie screams "Let me go now!" Colby was on his way home. I'm slowly dragging Stephanie to the back door to go up to the roof. Colby walks in as Stephanie "blacks out". Gage put a blindfold on Colby and takes him up to the roof. Colby is now tied to a chair. Gage took the blindfold off Colby. Colby say Stephanie next to me and with a knife on her chest. Colby said "Let her go she's my girlfriend. We're just kids from Kanas. Let us go! She's all I have left!" I cut "Stephanie's throat" (it was a bag of fake blood under her shirt so I didn't actually kill her). Stephanie fell down to ground, Colby looked away, now crying. He said "Why the hell did you kill her? She did nothing to you. She was the only reason why I'm stilling breathing. I love her. Why the hell did you kill her?" I walked out and came back as Sam. I asked "What the hell?" Colby now was crying his heart out so I walked up to him and kissed him..... As I did that Stephanie got up. While I was kissing the Colby Brock I untied him. After he stood up Stephanie wrapped her arms around and he said "Stephanie? This can't be your-r d-dead." She said "Colby I'm right here in your arms, I'm not dead it was a prank." Colby answered "Don't ever do this to me ever again. That goes for you too Sam and Gage. Wait Gage?"'  Gage said "Hey brother! I'm here for my best friends wedding and I thought I would stop by." Colby hugged his brother. We all went to our apartment.

Gage said "Can I crash here for a bit? If not I understand" without thinking I said "Yeah sure!" Stephanie spoke "We only have three beds though but I'll sleep on the couch or in Colby's bed if you want my bed" "Are you sure Stephanie?" Gage asked. Stephanie said "Yeah, just please don't go in anything of mine." He said "I won't I promise."

Night time and we all went to our rooms.

Stephanie's POV
I went into my room to change into comfy clothes to sleep in. I walked in my room and started to get changed when I turned around I saw Gage in my room already. I took of my shirt and then my bra, I was trying to find a shirt to wear, I ended up wearing one of Colby's sweater that I stole and sweatpants. Gage said before I left " Hey Stephanie can I tell you something?" I said "Sure what about?" He studded a bit "I-I-I g-g-gay and I'm getting married. I still want to play it like it's my best friends wedding, that's the guy I'm getting married to but Sam and Colby can't come because I'm the "best man". Please don't tell them. I answered with " Don't worry you have my word, I won't tell them. Don't be scared to tell them they won't hate you, trust me I came out to them and it was scary but they understood." He said "Okay. Are you gay?" I said "No I'm bisexual." "Okay cool goodnight." He said. I said. "Goodnight"
I walked into Colby's bedroom and sat on him and collapsed on his chest and I was out like a light.

Sam's POV
I wanted to show Gage around La, I also knew that Colby wanted to do something with Stephanie. I hope Stephanie and Colby knows how to use protection. The next morning we all got up and Gage and I went out for the whole day. Before I stepped out of the door I yelled "Use protection! I don't want a smaller version of you too running around just yet!" Stephanie rolled her eyes, and Colby laughed awkwardly,while he was rubbing the back of his neck. He always does that when he's nervous.

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora