Drunken Mistake

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This all happened two days after they all heard Kyle and James having sex. This is in Colby's dream, but he wakes up...

Colby's Dream.....

Sam's POV

Me and Colby were sitting cuddling like we normal would. Colby was being off. He normally would be cuddled up tight to me but today, was different. He just had his head on my shoulder. I wonder what's going on with him. I said "Hey babe.... is everything alright?" To be honest I was scared to hear his response. Colby replied with "Babe... I'm fine. I just feel like shit that's all." Oh was all I said. Colby got up and went to the bathroom that is upstairs. I know I shouldn't do this but I sat up and grabbed his phone... I knew his password, which is 3.5.17 the day him and me had our first kiss. I read the messages between him and Brennen...

Colby: Hey I don't think I can keep it from him any longer...

Brennen: Colby dude just tell him.

Colby: I can't.

Brennen: Dude, just tell him....

Colby: Fine I will but not just yet

Brennen: Okay good. Tender Greens later? Colbae I need to tell you something very important,

Colby: Okay. Yeah sure 6 good? and yeah what is it?

Brennen: Yup 6 is good. I can NOT say it over text.

Colby: Okay see you later

Oh my god... I think I know what is going on. Wow Colby. I heard Colby come down, so I put his phone where he left it. Colby spoke and he said "Baby, is it okay if I cancel our date, I need some more vlog footage for this Friday? Brennen and I are going to Tender Greens and then doing something for my vlog and his. I will re plan our date, I promise. Please baby." He gave me those puppy eyes that I love so much. But he really didn't give me an option. I sighed and I said "Yes go have fun being gay with Brennen." "Sam babe, what's wrong?" Colby asked me. I sighed again, and said "Colby you are always spending time with Brennen that I feel like you don't spend enough time with me your actual boyfriend. Did you know that today is our 2 year anniversary? I always make plans to go on a date with you but you always seem to go hang out with Brennen. Colby do you even love me anymore?" I was crying I couldn't help it. Colby said "Sammy babe, I love you and you only. And to be honest I forgot that it is our anniversary. I have been so stressed from YouTube lately. I'm sorry Sammy.." I hugged Colby and then when we both pulled out of the hug I took him by surprise and planted a soft but, yet rough kiss on his cheek which it made him blush. 6:00pm came around and Brennen came to pick up Colby. Bye was all that was said.

Colby's POV

So Brennen and I got drunk a few nights ago... Sam doesn't know nor will he find out. Brennen and I are really close, he was the first person I ever came out to. Hi I'm Colby Brock and I'm gay. Sam didn't even know until our video "We finally kiss..." I really do love Sam, but there is someone else who I love... When me and Brennen arrived at Tender Greens, We got our food and sat down. As we were eating Brennen said "Colby, I have something kind of important to tell you...." I said "Dude you know you can tell me anything right?" He answered me with "Yeah..... Colby I love you. You have no idea how long I have loved you. When ever we do a video I have to edit out me blushing if you say "It's so big I wouldn't be able to take it in my mouth." Colby you know how to make me..uhm...hard.... That night when we were drunk as shit, I was using every single power in me not to fuck you. Colby I know you are with Sam but I can't help but do this." Before I could even respond his lips were on mine. I'm not saying I didn't like it... We both pulled back and I said "Brennen..... I can't cheat on Sam. Yes I do love you AND him. I wish I could tell him but today is our 2 year anniversary. Brennen I mean we could date behind Sam's back.... I guess." After we both were done eating Brennen drove me to his house.... We had a few to drink and me being the light weight I am, I was very drunk. I texted Sam.

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora