Colby you don't understand!

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Colby's POV
Brennen asked if I wanted to go out for lunch. Something was up with him but I don't know what? I said sure since it was just lunch. We normally pay for both meals, like last time he bought the meals so this time it would be my turn. I will bring money anyways. Brennen picked me up. He was hiding something I know him to well. Once we got there he said "Dude can you go get us a table? I have to fix something with truck." I replied with "Sure."

Brennen's POV
I told Colby to get us a table. I went into the backseat to get black and purple roses, Colby's favourite. I walk into Tinder Greens with this huge ass bouquet of roses I saw Colby sitting at the table on his phone. I put the roses behind my back, and walked up to him and gave him the bouquet of flowers.

 I put the roses behind my back, and walked up to him and gave him the bouquet of flowers

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"Colby we need to talk about something serious." I said as I sat down in the booth. He said "Uhm okay. I'm sure you're girlfriend will love these roses." I said "They're for you dumbass." Colby answered with "What? Brennen I don't know what you're trying to say? I'm so confused right now."  I couldn't answer so I just shoved a piece of food into my mouth.

Every time I vlog with Colby, people in the comments are like 'I ship #Brolby!' I reply to them and say 'You never know 😉' but the truth is I've always liked Colby more then a friend. I have no fucking idea how I'm going to tell him that I like him or that I'm bisexual. Sad part he has a girlfriend. I've dated Stephanie before too, but Steph and I both promised each other that we wouldn't tell Colby. I'm Stephanie's ex. As far as he knows we have each other's numbers for YouTube.

We both finished our meals. And last time I bought the meals but I was taking Colby on a date so I said "Dude I got the meals. My treat." He smiled cutely (That smile killed me) and said "B-but you p-payed last t-time." He only stutters when he's nervous. Then I saw a bunch of young teenage girls walk in looking for Me and Colby. I didn't want to them to know we were here, so I passed Colby's "Colleen" wig to him under the table and he put it on and he gave me his hat, and we both acted the like we were on a date. I wasn't pretending, but you know. I have a promise ring for him and this was my chance to tell him! I said "Johanna can I say something? I've been in love with ever since the day we meet. I always will be in love with you. I can't stop thinking about you. I'm nervous for this question but will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"  He said "Yes Ben!"

I knew it was fake sadly. I know Colby's not gay or into me. I wish he was, but he's not.  This is so hard to tell him.

We were in my truck.  It was awkwardly quiet. We weren't going anywhere so I looked over at Colby. I said "Colby, we've been friends for a while now. I don't know how to say this but I like you. Colby you are my everything. I can't stop thinking about you." He said "Brennen I like you too. We've been friends for almost 3 years now, we meet because of Stephanie. You're my best friend Brennen." I didn't realise he was filming until after.  "Shit I'm so fucked if he posts that." I thought. He was still recording when I kissed him! I just kissed The Colby Brock. Colby pushed me away and yelled "What the fuck Brennen! You know I have a girlfriend! And I'm not gay! Brennen you and Stephanie and Sam too are the only ones know that I'm bisexual! But you know I have a girlfriend!" I yelled back "Colby you don't know my story! Its always about Stephanie! Stephanie this, Stephanie that, I'm sick of it Colby! All you do is talk about her! Colby you never bothered to ask me how I felt. Colby I'm bisexual, my mom doesn't even know! You think I don't know Stephanie? Well she's my ex girlfriend. She fell for you after a year. We ended up breaking up because she wanted to be with you! And of course you don't understand what I meant by I like you!" He said "Now I know why Stephanie won't go near you unless it's for YouTube or she's with me." I said "Colby I love you alright!" He looked at me shocked. We were now in front of his apartment. He said "What? I don't get it." I yelled "Colby you don't understand! Colby for the love of cheese I'm in love with you!" "Oh..." Was all he said. I said goodbye and he went into his apartment. I got a text from Stephanie about an hour after I got home.
Stephanie: I fucking hate you Brennen. You told Colby that you and I dated!!!! We both promised. Wow guys actually can't keep secrets except for Tom,Sam and James! Colby can't, Kyle can't, Gillian can't, and you for sure as hell can't. And you told him you love him! Well thanks now he's going to break up with me because of you! He has feelings for both of us! So thank you so much Brennen! He also has feelings for Sam!
Me: Okay I'm sorry. I don't want to fight. I'm stupid, I fucked up. I'm sorry.
I never got a response after that. I feel bad now.

A/n Who do you think Colby will go for? Sam? Stephanie? Or Brennen?

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now