Living Hell

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Colby's POV 

When I was in Japan with Elton,Brennen and Jay for TFIL we went to Suicide Forest.  I could not sleep at night but I didn't want to be a wimp in front of them. Every night I laid down in my bed and texted Stephanie. I would text her until 3:00 am it was 11:00 am for her so pretty much she would sleep at 11:00 am because of me. 

The day after we stayed the night at Suicide Forest I woke up in so much pain. I ran to the bathroom. I must have woken Elton up. As I was running to the bathroom my knee gave out completely. "Shit." I mumbled. After I was in the bathroom I threw up. Like I didn't even  eat anything besides dinner last night. I'm pretty sure my knee is broken or I tore an acl or mcl ligament. Elton came into the bathroom and asked "Hey Colby are you okay?" I tried to speak but then I had to throw up yet again.  I nodded my head no. Elton asked "Colby are sick?" I said "I don't know Elton. When we stayed over night at the suicide forest, you know when I said I had to piss? I pissed but I also threw up, when I was tying my shoe. I even said I don't feel well right now after I played with the Ouija board. Elton my knee. Fuck" As I finished speaking I could taste the feeling right before you throw up and I did. I am now crying, due to the pain in my knee and from throwing up so many times. I hate people seeing me cry except Stephanie. Elton sat down beside me and held my bangs back. He said "Yes I remember you saying you were feeling sick." I threw up again. My throat burns. My stomach feels like it was on fire. My knee don't get me started on my knee. I said "Elton my knee hurts, can you take me to the hospital?" Elton said "Yes Colby. Can you walk?" "I don't know but I'll try with your help."  I answered. I said "Elton can you please pass me my phone? I want to see if mine and Sam's insurance will cover it." He said " Yeah sure Colby." as Elton went to get my phone I got up off the floor and put a little bit of weight on my knee. When I did I almost screamed. I checked my phone after Elton handed it to me. I cheeked the app and of course mine and Sam's insurance doesn't cover this so I will have to pay for it. I put my phone in my track pants pocket and hopped with Elton's help back into the room. I hopped all the way to my bed containing a sleeping Brennen. Elton passed me my shoes and then got his on, before he woke up Jay and Brennen. I put my right shoe on without any trouble and I even tied it too. I had my knee laying straight on the bed and the all of a sudden Brennen fucking rolled over and kicked my knee, I screamed in pain. With me screaming Brennen and Jay woke up. Elton said "That was easy!" Brennen said "Where are you going Colby?" I said "To the hospital. You guys should come too."  Brennen and Jay got dressed and Elton helped me put my left shoe. We went to the hospital. Before we left I put my wallet in my other pocket.

At the hospital they x-rayed my knee and I was wrong I have a fractured knee. They gave me my x-ray. (a/n all images are a girl but just imagine that is what Colby's knee looks okay) 

I have to wear a knee brace for a long time

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I have to wear a knee brace for a long time. And worst part I'll be on crutches for the second time in my life. I had to lay down on the table while they put the knee brace on me. This fucking sucks. I had to take off my track pants, so they could put the knee brace on. I'm so glad I am wearing boxers. I put my pants and my phone on a chair, and I made Elton,Brennen and Jay stand outside the room I. I gave my wallet to Elton to hold. Of course I had a female putting on my knee brace and she was lowkey flirting with me. 

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now