Strip clubs.

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Stephanie's POV
"Why?" I yelled through Sierra's house, as I walked into her room to go get ready. It was her birthday so she wanted me to go to a strip club with her. "Because you promised Steph." Sierra said as I walked out of her bathroom wearing this[image above]. I had a limit on how much alcohol I consumed which is going to be 2. Colby and Brennen were going to pick us up after. Colby didn't want me going because some guy would try and hit me up. I don't believe in drunk sex. Brennen was the same way as Colby. So all four of us agreed that Sierra and I would be a lesbian couple so no guys would hit on us. Sierra isn't going to drink that much either we will just have 2 beers each.

Once Sierra was ready, the boys dropped us off

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Once Sierra was ready, the boys dropped us off. I grabbed Sierra's hand and pushed my feelings for her aside. We got IDed. We show them our drivers license, and Sierra said that it's her birthday. They said go in. We walked in hand in hand. And already we got hit on by guys. I showed them our hands. We sat down at a table. The night went on and some drunk ass dudes came over to us and said "Let's dance hotties." I looked over to Sierra and I kissed her.  Her and I like fully made out, with tongue.. Stop it Stephanie, you have a boyfriend and you love him. She has a boyfriend. Stop it Stephanie. That's when I felt something on my lips.

Sierra's POV
As soon as we kissed to show these drunk ass guys we were a couple. It was supposed to be a quick kiss. But I did something stupid and made the kiss longer like a full make out... oops. 

The night went on and I didn't want to leave just yet. So me and Stephanie, stayed and it was a  night, I mean we kissed more than once, I kinda of liked the way her lips felt with mine. I kissed her, our lips moved in sync, it was magical. Maybe I like two people? I like Brennen, but I also like Stephanie . I knew she liked me but I couldn't break her heart because she's had her heart broken by Colby.

Stephanie's POV
As the night went on I saw someone who I would never see in a strip club. Tom was there and not with Matthew. He was kissing some dude. My god I'm starting to hate him. I walked over to him and said "What the hell Tom! You cheated on Matthew. You know what Tom you are an asshole." I walk closer to him and slapped his face. I am so going to tell Matthew. I went back to Sierra and sat down and texted Matthew.

Stephanie: Hey I know we never talk but I have something to tell you...
Matthew: Hey. Yeah what's up?
Stephanie: It is about Tom...
Stephanie: I saw..... Tom...kissing this random ass dude at a strip club... Don't worry I slapped him and told he was an asshole. I then texted you, because I thought you should know.
Matthew: My god he is an asshole. I thought he was cheating and he was! Thank you for being a good cousin. Thank you for slapping him.
Stephanie: No worries. I'll do again, I'm not afraid too either.

Still Stephanie's Pov
Tom he is going to get a rude awaking , Matthew is going to break his heart, and good. Tom is an asshole. I can't stand him, he also spread a rumor about me.... Thanks Tom... He told a whole bunch of people that I sexted with him, which is not true. He's gay.

Tom came over to my apartment. He knocked on the door. I opened it and said "Go away before I call the police." He said "Stephanie....Wait." That's all I heard before I slammed the door in his face. I'm filing a restraining order against him. Matthew is doing the same. I haven't told you the whole story about Tom and I... First it started out with the rumour, then he told me that I should go did because I'm bisexual, news flash he's gay, and then he told my Sam and Kyle that I've been sending nudes to a whole bunch of boys,and that's not true, he's also called me a bitch. Tom made my life a leaving hell after he started the rumour about me "sexting" with him. If that was true there would be proof. And it's not true considering I didn't even talk to him for a bit. Boys are stupid. I'm think I'm going to go lesbian, I mean I'm half way there already so I might as well.

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now