Fights never end well

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Sam's POV
"Colby you're drunk" I sated. Colby spoke but slurred "Sam shut up! I will nort cheat on Steinbooks." "Colby that's not her name!" I shouted at Colby. Colby shouted even louder "Sam I should kniw my oen girlfriends name. It's Steelhead." I shouted "Colby you clearly don't know your own girlfriends name. It's Stephanie." He shouted "No it's not it's Stenobath! Or Stella!"  I yelled back "Colby you're drunk! It's Stephanie! Not Stella,Steinbooks, Steelhead,nor Stenobath. IT'S STEPHANIE!" Next thing I saw was his hand fly across my face. He slapped me. He's never violent. If he is, it's playful. I can't believe he just slapped me. I've never seen him act like this. He shouted as loud as he could "Sam! I don't need you anymore!" Before I could respond he slapped me again.

Stephanie's POV
I heard Colby was home, and he forgot my name. I heard Stella! And ran downstairs and said "Who in the living hell is Stella? Colby are you cheating on me?" Tears formed in my eyes as I said the last part. I looked over at Sam who was holding his check, Colby's face was red. Colby walked over to me and said "Who the fuck are you?" Did he seriously forget me. I ran over to Sam to help him. "Sam what the hell happened? Are you okay?" I asked him. Sam answered "He got drunk and he forgot who you are. I tried telling him your name but I got slapped twice. Yes I'm fine. Just please go back to your room." Sam was lying I could tell. I said "Sam I know you're lying to me. You're not fine." I got up and yelled at Colby as loud as I could "Hey douche bag! Yeah you Colby. Don't fucking hurt my brother ever again got it good! You have no right to lay a hand on my brother! I hope you're happy with yourself getting stupidly drunk until you forgot your own fucking girlfriend! How the hell do I know if you didn't cheat on me with this Stella chick. Colby you fucking hurt me!" Sam looked at me with a surprised look,he's never seen me like this. "What? If someone/something pisses me off really bad I'll snap." I told Sam and he just sat there. Colby stomped over to me like a 5 year old, and didn't say anything but I blinked at the wrong time. I saw his hand go across my face. He just punched me. Sam saw the whole thing. Colby saw that I was hurt and he realised what he just done. His drunkness wore off, after he slapped Sam. Because it's now mid afternoon in the next day. Colby looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. It took everything for me not to punch him. He came over to me and started hugging me and pushed him off of me, and went into the bathroom to go look at my check.
In the bathroom I looked in the mirror and saw a bruise. Great tomorrow is film day for Sam and Colby and I'm in this video. We were doing the best friend vs sister challenge. Luckily I'm good with makeup so I'll just cover it up and Sam's too.

Colby's POV
Did I just slap my best friend twice? Yes I did. Fuck... Did I punch my girlfriend? Yes.... Why am I so stupid.

Stephanie's POV
I covered up mine and Sam's bruise, Sam is white as hell he's two shades lighter than I am. I mean I'm pretty tan but it goes in order from least tan to the most tan. Sam is the least tan, than me, and then Colby. That's because he works out with Brennen.

The video (Sam and Colby's and Stephanie's POV)
What's up guys it's Sam and Colby and today we have a special guest Stephanie! "Hi!" Stephanie said. (Sam's POV) Today we will be doing who knows me better in between Stephanie and Colby. My sister vs best friend and loser gets their legs waxed. Stephanie said "Jokes on you guys I don't have hairy legs." But we don't have any buzzers so you have to make a sound and hold up you're sign. Guys hold up your signs. First question. What happened to my first car? Aggg! Colby said while he held up his sign, "You crashed into a freakin tree and I went threw the windshield. Bomb" yes. Next question. What is my full name? Ahhh! Stephanie said while she held up her sign "Samuel John Golbach" correct I'm surprised you knew that Stephanie. She playful hit my arm. When was I born and the year too. Agggg! And Ahhh! Stephanie and Colby said at the same time so Colby you answer "November 27th 1996" correct and Stephanie did you know the year? "Yes Sammy I did, because I was born in 1995". Last question how many nicknames do I have Ahhh! Stephanie said "3 Sammy,Sam,Samantha." Nope I only have one which Sam. Stephanie said "Not fair!" So Stephanie has to get waxed. I put like  2 on each leg. Colby distract her while I rip them off. Colby switched spots with me and kissed Stephanie as I ripped the wax strips off. Stephanie got revenge. She put a wax strip on my leg and Colby's leg. She slapped me before she ripped mine off, and holy shit I have hairy legs. She then kissed Colby before ripping his off. I had to hold Colby down because he would of ran around the room. So that's it for today's video peace. We turned off the camera. And took everything down.

Sam's POV
Stephanie said "Sam can you edit out me and Colby kissing?" I replied with "Uhm I can put something over it but why?" She said "Me and Colby aren't public yet." I said "You guys have been dating for a year almost two!" Colby spoke "Sam please just put something over it yet." I sighed "Fine." They both said "Thank you"

We filmed the best friend vs girlfriend, brother vs boyfriend who knows me better. We filmed a hell a lot of videos because we are going back to Kanas for a week tomorrow. We filmed pick up line contest,remaking our old vines, the eat it or wear it challenge, the 1000 degree knife vs objects challenge, the yoga challenge as Samantha and Colleen, and Stephanie and Colby filmed this is my girlfriend, I mean I did too.

We all packed our stuff and put into a carryon suitcase and a backpack.

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now