Two months after

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Stephanie's POV
I was sleeping with Colby,and I felt this sharp pain in my stomach. I went to the bathroom,after I was done peeing, I washed my hands. Then I went to the my cabinet where the boys didn't bother to look, which is a good thing. I pulled out a small handbook which was a calendar. I checked two months ago and that was when my last period was. I said to myself "I'm late. Two months late. In a row this can't be good." Since it was 8 in the morning I went back to Colby's room and quickly and quietly grabbed my phone and went to the living room and texted Tom and Gillian.
The text conversations
S: Tomas! This is not a joke! Please text back ASAP! I'm freaking out!
S: Gillian! This is not a joke! Please text back ASAP! I'm freaking out! I don't care if you're half a sleep answer!
Tom is always an early bird so he texted back first.
T: Whoa, since when do you call me Thomas? Anywho what's up? What's so important?
S: Now's not the time to be joking around. I might be pregnant........
T: Wow! Congratulations! But how do you know?
S: I missed my period for two months and I woke up this with a sharp pain in my stomach.
T: Oh. Do you want me to come over?
S: No it's fine, I don't know how the boys will be when they wake up in the 2-4 hours.
T: Okay. Are you sure Stephanie?
S: Yes I'm sure Tom.
T: Okay. Text me if you need anything else.
S: Okay
Gillian finally got her ass up and texted me back.
G: What is so important that you texted me at 8 am?
S: I might be pregnant........
G: Wow! Congratulations! But how do you know?
S: I missed my period for two months and I woke up this with a sharp pain in my stomach.
G: Oh. Do you want me to come over?
S: No it's fine, I don't know how the boys will be when they wake up in a hour.
G: Okay. Are you sure Steph?
S: Yes I'm sure Gillian.
G: Text me if you need anything else.
S: Okay
Sam and Colby finally got up,it's now 10 close to eleven in the am. I said "I made breakfast almost 3 hours ago help yourself it probably will be cold but that's your faults." Sam said "Thanks Stephanie but I'm not hungry." Colby started to speak "Yeah I'm not______ he got interrupted by the sound of his stomach growling. And then he finished his sentence _____hungry either" I said "I have to go to the store, do you guys want or need anything for your videos?" Sam and Colby both said "Yes actually can you get us a set of knives, fireproof gloves, two blowtorches, fireproof sheets to cover the walls and the floors,and gas masks not the expensive ones? We also need food for the eat or wear challenge but we'll go shopping after we write down what we need for that. " I put there list in my phone. Grabbed Colby's keys because I don't have a car yet and I put on my shoes. Sam reached into the box for the money for YouTube only,and handed me like $40 dollars. I got to the store and grabbed a cart. I went to the hardware part and grabbed what Sam and Colby asked for. I was waiting in line and this kid was asking for a chocolate bar but his mom said "No I mean no! We don't have enough money!" I felt so bad so I grabbed the one he wanted, and put it up with all the other stuff. I payed and started bagging the stuff. I put my cart away and grabbed my bag. The kid and his my mom were still there so I said to the mom  "Hey I have something for your son. I was in line behind you guys and I overheard you say non we don't have enough money, so I bought it. I hope that's okay with you. Can I give it to him?" She had this huge smile on her face and she said "Oh My Gosh! You are the most sweetest person on this earth thank you! And yes. Carlos come here please." I made small talk and  asked "How old is Carlos?" "I'm 14" said Carlos. I said "Hey Carlos I got you something." I handed him the chocolate bar and his eyes lit up. He said "Thank you thank you!" He asked me a few questions. "Do you have siblings?" I answered "Yes I do, Sam Golbach." "Wait do you have a boyfriend?" I laughed a little "Yes I do, Colby Brock." "Wait are Stephanie Golbach?! As in Sam's brother? Are you Colby Brock girlfriend?" I answered a bit scared "Yes I am. Do you know who they are?" "Yesssss I'm a huge fan, I want to go see them on tour but mommy said no. Can I get a picture?" "Sure" I smiled. His mom gave me her phone we took a few photos, and then took some on my phone. I reached into purse and pulled out a signed poster with me in the photo, and the vip tickets for three his mom, him and a friend, I then said "Carlos here I have something else for you." He said thank you and gave me a big hug and we walked out of the car turns out we parked beside each other. I gave the mom my cell phone number and she gave me mine,for a special surprise on his birthday which was in a few days. I put the bag in the back seat on the floor and said goodbye to Carlos and Taylor(his mom). Carlos asked me one last question "Can I bring my girlfriend Ruby?" I said "Aww young love, and yes there is two vip tickets and a adult ticket. Bye"
I got into my car and drove to the pharmacy. At the pharmacy I went to the lady section, my main reason to go out. I got what I need which was pads,a few pregnancy tests and tampons(I don't use them but I got just so it didn't look to obvious.) I went to the check out and of course it was a male cashier. And of course it was Gabe... "Gabe please don't tell Colby or Sam. I swear to god if you do, you'll regret it for the rest of your life." I said. He answered with "Okay. That will be $25.00 dollars." I paid and took the small bag and left. After I was outside in my car I put the small bag in my purse. I went home. I gave Sam and Colby there bag. "What took you so long?" Sam asked. "Sorry I met a fan." I answered. Sam asked "Oh. Is she coming to our concert?" I answered "He is and yes I gave him tickets as an early birthday present." "Sweet." Sam and Colby said at the same time.

A/n This is literally the longest chapter I've ever written! 1220 words Ahhh!

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now