Love is just a Game

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Tyler's POV

"Babe I'm home!" I yelled through the house. I was getting home from work. I forgot I lived with Sam, Colby, Stephanie, Elton, Corey, Aaron, Gillian and Deyvn. I saw another males shoes, I just thought it was Brennen's so I didn't think anything of it.

Dylan's POV

Okay, I was at work at the bar and I met a really cute guy. Yes, I'm a gay bartender. Okay this guy named Teddy was like really cute. I went around cleaning the tables. I got to his table and started to clean it.

Keep in mind that I have to wear this outfit...

My dick was pretty much resting on the table

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My dick was pretty much resting on the table. He looked me up and down. He was drunk and I knew it. I brought him back to my house. That's a lie. His PARTNER took me and him to my house....We fucked..... 

I thought I heard someone walking by.. No one was home. I kept kissing  Teddy, that's when I saw it...

I heard the voice of Tyler... And that's when the door busted open..

Tyler's POV
I open the door to my bedroom and I saw my boyfriend making out with another guy.... I started to cry and that's what got Dylan's attention... I turned around and was stopped, by Dylan grabbing my wrist. I said through tears "Let me go!" I ran out of my room and ran straight into James and Kyle's room.. Thank god they weren't fucking.

I sat down on one of their beanbags and held my knees to my chest and out my head on top of my knees in my arm. I sat there for about 5 minutes crying. James finally come over and said "Tyler, what's wrong?" I choked on the words from the tears but somehow managed to say "D-Dylan" Kyle now was sitting with us and he said "What about Dylan?" I somehow said "H-He c-c-cheated o-on m-me....." James and Kyle gave be a dad sandwich. James then said "Is that stupid hoe still here?" "Dad!" I said before he got up and went to my room where Dylan and that cock sucker was.

James's POV
I got up and went into Tyler's room. I saw that hoe, I said "If you don't live here then get out Teddy." He didn't move and I was already pissed. I said more like yelled "TEDDY GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS HOUSE NOW!" I scared him and he ran out the door.

I then sat beside Dylan... I looked at him in the eyes for about 5 minutes.  "Why?" Was all I said. After about 10 minutes Dylan said "I swear I didn't mean to fuck him, it's just he was at my work and he was semi drunk, he came onto me. I'm not allowed to stop customers if their trying not to get in my pants unless I feel unsafe, you know because I'm gay... Which I said I was very uncomfortable with him trying to fuck me.  I even called my boss over and my boss tried to get him off me. He offered me a ride home but I said no since he was drunk, then his partner said he'll drive and wait outside well Teddy brought me in my house. Next thing I knew he was taking off mine and his clothes... I-I-I never really gave my consent.... He was a creep.... But however.... I liked it when he kissed me.... So I.... Started to kiss..... Him..... A lot more.... And maybe.... I....liked.... The way...... I felt.....around......him..... And.... I.... Liked...... How...... He.... Felt.... In.... Me....... I don't know what I was thinking but I knew it was wrong as I'm dating Tyler...... But it just felt so right too..... James have you cheated on Kyle......?"

I feel like Kyle was listening.... I said "Dylan. I've never cheated on Kyle, but however.....Kyle has cheated on me.... So I know how Tyler feels..." 

Kyle's POV 

I was listening to Dylan and James. James said the truth.... I cheated.... I regret it so much. I was  drunk, and not like semi drunk. I was black out drunk.. I never have told Tyler, nor will I

Tyler's POV 

I was still crying. Dylan cheated on me.  I really do love him. But I don't know if I can take him cheating. Once someone cheats they could keep doing it.  I love him, but I don't want to be cheated on because I don't give him the sexual pleasure that he wants.  

A FEW DAYS LATER (Still Tyler's POV)

I still haven't made eye contact with Dylan nor have I talked to him. He keeps trying to get me to talk. I have been sleeping on the couch in our room. Except last night I got the bed. 

Elton asked me "Hey Tyler. Are you okay? You seem off, I haven't seen you cuddling Dylan lately." I answered with "Hi. No Elton I'm not okay, Dylan cheated on me.... But yes I'm fucking fine."  Elton said "Tyler... I'm sorry...." "It's fine" was all I said then went back to editing one of Elton's TFIL videos. He pays me to edit some his videos... I had to help edit "The suicide Forest" video.... For Colby's videos I edit some too, and thank God I'm gay for his recent video.. I saw Brennen's dick... When he jokes about having a small penis, is a lie. Even soft he's got a good size for his age. I saw Colby's too and he has a decent size. To be honest I think Colby likes Brennen..... Because Colby was hard the whole video. But as I was saying Colby and I have the same size dick and I'm 17 and he's 21. 

My Saturdays contest of Monsters,Red Bulls, Rockstars, and editing videos. I edit about ten videos within the whole day. Sometimes when The guys are playing Rocket League, I'm sitting close too, who'sever video I'm editing. I sit on the beanbag chair, and edit. Elton's video takes the most time to edit because his TFIL videos are like 4 hours of footage, that has to be condensed to no longer than 40 minutes. Sam's videos are okay to edit. His videos with Katrina Stuart are so bad to edit, only because she is using Sam for fame and money. This shows in Sam's vlogs. The ones he does with Gillian are actually cute, you can tell that Gillian loves him and not just for the fame and money. (I DO NOT HATE KATRINA, JUST IN MY STORY SAM IS DATING GILLIAN. SO PLEASE DON'T BE TROLLS AND SAY "SHE'S HATING ON KATRINA." BECAUSE I AM NOT. I'M PRETTY SURE I STATED BEFORE THAT I AM GOING TO MAKE SOME CHARTERERS "MEAN" OR "NASTY" MY POINT IS I AM NOT HATING ON ANYONE SO BYE FELICIA!)  

I finally gave into Dylan. Him and I fine I guess.  Everything went back to normal. I still had hockey... I broke my leg though which sucks ass. Sigh. I can't play hockey until my leg is healed like 100%. I still go to the practices and the games, I just don't play.... 

I came home one night after practice with Dylan and when we went into our room, we heard moaning and the headboard hitting the wall. We don't know who is fucking but they are clearly having it rough. Rough sex this could on for the whole night. Dylan and I pretty sure that it's Stephanie and Colby because they like it rough.... Like i'm talking Fifty Shades of Grey rough.... The night consented of the headboard hitting the wall and consent moaning.... 


Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now