Back home in Kanas part 2

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Stephanie's POV
The Golbach family was sitting in the living room and Colby was there too. We had to talk.

I broke the awkward silence,and said "Mom,dad,Kyle please don't hate me for this." They said at the same time "Yeah whatever" I spoke "I'm bisexual. If you don't like me for who I am, I don't care anymore. Mom and dad don't play stupid for 20 years you've been saying "why'd we keep her you knew I wanted three boys no two boys and one girl" you can't pick the gender of you're baby when's it inside of you. Which brings me to my next topic." I looked over at Colby and he gave me the "only if you're ready" look. I continued my sentence "I'm pregnant, I'm 2 months today. And Colby is the father and he's my boyfriend. And don't think I don't know you both forgot my twentieth birthday." I could tell Kyle has hiding something from them too,so I gave him the "spill the beans" look and he said "Now that we have a member of the family who's in the LGBTQ community this is a whole lot easier to say, I'm gay. I have a boyfriend." Kyle came and joined Sam,Colby and me on the couch. "Congrats dude" I said while I ruffled his perfect hair. My mom said "Ew I, I mean we didn't rise you guys to be gay. Gee no wonder Stephanie you're pregnant you are a slut just like your aunt. Stephanie you can literally do anything but be a mom, you'll just get drunk and abuse your kid that is if you don't kill it." I finally had enough of her calling me names, so I said "For the love of god I'm not gay! I'm bisexual which means I like both genders. I hate the fact that you think I'm a slut because I got good grades in school and you didn't. Just an FYI I'm not a slut. The definition of a slut is a person who sleeps with multiple guys or girls. And I've only slept with Colby once. And for all you care I'm keeping the baby I'm not about to have an abortion. I know you and dad hate me but honestly I don't give a flying fuck anymore. I didn't take a 9 hour flight from La to Kanas just to get insulted. You call me a non working mom, but you're the one that doesn't care about one of your kids. Maybe if dad pulled out fast enough I wouldn't be here. I've had enough of you calling me a whore,bitch,skank, slut,stupid, fat. I am non of those, only in you're awful mind I am. I know you and dad couldn't give a rats ass about me but I'm still you're daughter until I get married my name is still Stephanie Alice-Rosé Golbach." Everyone just started at me. Kyle has never seen me like this. My dad is awfully quiet I don't know but all of a sudden he spoke "What did you just say to us young lady?' I answered with "Dad you listened I know you did. I know for sure you care about Sam and Kyle a lot more than me. I know for a fact that you couldn't give a rats ass about me. I'm the forgotten child. " The next thing I knew was there was a hand across my face and another hand going the opposite direction. Geez Sam must hate people who touch me now. I ran up to my room and write a note to Kyle saying "I'll pay for you and James ticket to come back to La, with Sam,Colby and I. Please do it's more safe then out here. And I'm sorry you had to see me like that." I slid the note under his door. Colby went home and Sam and Kyle both went to their rooms. Kyle texted me back saying "I'll pay you back. Thank you so much." So I bought two more tickets to go to La.

Kyle's POV
I needed to text James so I did. James is my boyfriend. But one thing is he used to smoke but he quit for me.
Kyle: James pack up all your stuff you and me are moving to La.
James: Aww wait really?
Kyle: Yes. I'll text you when I'm done packing.
James: Okay babe.

*This part also goes for James* So I started rolling up all my shirts and sweaters, and put them in my suitcase. Next to put in is pants. I put all my pants in the suitcase, next was pjs bottoms and my boxer briefs. I put them in, as well as my socks. And deodorant,along side is all my toiletries, Cologne. I shoved that bag in my suitcase. I took my backpack and threw in my shoes,books,headphones, epipens, phone charger and my pennyboard. And I was done. I texted James saying done come to my house with your all your stuff.

Stephanie's POV
We all said goodbyes and we were waiting to board the plane. Our two rows were called but we decided to but our suitcases in the luggage part of the plane it's right where we are sitting. Each person can do that. We all got our seats Colby at the window, me in the middle and Sam on the end. Kyle in the middle/end and James at the window. They only have a two seat row so that worked out to an advantage. 9 hours later and we are in La. We get our stuff (suitcases and backpacks) and put all of them in the backseat of Colby's car. I got in the passenger side and Colby got into the driver side. Sam had James and Kyle in his car. We drove to our apartment. I unlocked the door and we all walked in. We had a small room with a bed when someone sleeps over so we let James and Kyle sleep there. Colby has the biggest room so I'm moving my stuff into his room. He only uses half a closet, so I get the other half.
In the morning I made breakfast. After we all were done everyone helped me moved my stuff into Colby's room so Kyle and James could have a room to stay in. After everything was moved out of the dresser and the closest and were put in Colby's closet. Sam went out to buy hangers for me, James and Kyle. The rest of us continued to move my desk into Colby's room. And that was pretty much it. Sam came back with like 6 bags of hangers. And all of us helped James and Kyle move in. After a long day we ordered pizza, and watched Sam and Colby's old vines and videos. Colby got embarrassed and was a light shade of pink and so was Sam.

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now