Just go Away

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Dylan's POV 

I can't stop thinking.  Tyler's just being annoying lately. His grades are slipping and so is our relationship... It doesn't help that I'm depressed... I have to talk to him.. Maybe I should talk to James and Kyle first..

I grabbed my phone..I found James number and texted him. 

Dylan: Hey. Could I talk to you... it's kinda of important...

James: Yeah.. sure? 

James came into mine and Tyler's room. Tyler was at his friends house getting high. Oh yeah he started to smoke pot.

I said "Ever since we almost lost Tyler things have been different.  He started to smoke pot. I feel like he's cheating on me... I don't know how to explain this but the other day when I was doing laundry, I found a pair of boxers that weren't mine, or Tyler's. Here I'll show you what they looked like. I took a picture so I have proof.." I showed James the picture and he said "It's  not mine nor Kyle's. It's not even Sam's or Colby's..."   I said while I started crying. James hugged me. I said "How could he just throw away 4 years just like that..." I was crying so bad. He's just throwing away our relationship just like that. 

Tyler came home 20 minutes later...He was still high. He smelled so bad of weed. When he came into the house, he came right to me probably because I was still crying. Tyler tried to give me a hug, I pushed him away. I walked away. Tyler said "Babe what's wrong". All I did was look at him and I ended up starting to cry even more.. Tyler then grabbed my wrist to stop me from walking away the second time. I looked at him and he still had a hold of my wrist. I yelled "Let me go now!" He wouldn't let go, his grip just tightened. I yelled again "Let me go now!" He still didn't it just got tighter. I was trying my best to push him away but with him holding my stronger hand I just couldn't push him away. His grip just kept getting tighter and tighter. I was already crying from him throwing our 4 years relationship away, and now I'm crying due to the fact that he has my wrist. I yelled once again "Kyle! James! Colby! Sam! HELP ME!!!" Once I yelled that they all came running in. I looked over at them and they immediately started to pull Tyler away from me. I was finally free.  Ever since he started smoking pot he's become abusive....

Jame's POV 

I was in the kitchen doing something I don't remember what I was doing but then I heard Dylan yell "Kyle! James! Colby! Sam! HELP ME!!!" I ran into the living room and had to pull Tyler off of Dylan. After Dylan was in his room safely I had a talk with Tyler.. 

"Tyler come here please" I said while walking back into the kitchen. He rolled his eyes and came into the kitchen as well, he sat at the table. I said "When did you start smoking pot?" He said "About a month ago why?" I answered with "Because you haven't been yourself lately." His response made me almost slap him across the head he said "Does it look like I fucking care?" I said "No you just look like you are stoned out of your mind." He then looked at me and said "Look I don't care for this family anymore." I didn't want to go this far but it came down to this. I said " Tyler John Howell, do you really think it's okay to abuse your boyfriend? Dylan lives with us and he's been wearing sweaters and it's like 40'F." He said "How do you know it's not from self harm? That kid is always depressed." I said "Tyler! You are the one that tried to kill yourself. Dylan almost lost you. How do you think he felt when he found out that you were trying to commit suicide? He was the on who SAVED your life." Tyler said "It wouldn't matter. He's not good enough for me anymore." I said "Tyler. You have been abusing him now for a month. And how could you just throw away 4 years together. You really upset him. He caught you cheating on him. Tyler it's been 4 years for you two. Are you really just going to cheat on him and call it a day?" He said "I wouldn't care what that fag does anymore. He's just a piece of shit anyway." As soon as Tyler called Dylan a fag I smacked his head. He said "What the fuck was that for?" I said "You deserved that one. You do not call people fags. You are grounded for 14 weeks. No pot. No video games. No computer. Give me your phone." He rolled his eyes and handed me his phone. I set it as just a calling and texting. He can call and text people in the house. He has no access to anything. I gave Tyler his phone back and he looked at me, rolled his eyes and said "Are you fucking kidding me? This phone is legitimately a piece of shit now dad."   

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now