Back home in Kanas

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Colby's POV
As Stephanie, Sam and I boarded the plane,we made small talk.  I have the window and Stephanie is in the middle and Sam is on the end. This we'll be the first time Stephanie will meet my parents. Well she's met them before when we were like kids, just not as my girlfriend. The plane took off and Sam's already asleep he didn't sleep well the night before. Stephanie asked the flight attendant for two blankets so she covered Sam's legs. And put one on my legs. Next thing I knew Stephanie had her hand under my pants. I was hoping no one  saw my boner....  But of course Stephanie did. As soon as I know she saw she had her hand under my boxers... She gabbed my dick. I moaned under my breath. I knew what Stephanie was going to next. Yup just as I thought she started rubbing my dick. She continued,her grip got tighter which felt amazing.  She keep doing that. She stopped and I winced but then I noticed the flight attendant, so I quickly put my hand down under the blanket and grabbed Stephanie's hand and pulled both of our hands up to show her. "Have a nice day!" I said and she walked away. I put our hands back under the blanket and Stephanie's hand went straight back to my dick. She went fast and I came in my boxers.  Sam wake up as Stephanie fell asleep so Sam placed the blanket on her.  "Hey dude how much longer?" Sam asked me I answered with "About 4 more hours."  Sam fell back asleep and I slowly drifted asleep.  The plane landed and the flight attendant was nice enough to wake us up. I folded up the blankets and gave them back to her. Sam grabbed his carryon and his backpack, he grabbed my suitcase as well, because I had to grab Stephanie's stuff. So I put my backpack on and took her suitcase and her backpack. The flight attendant walked Stephanie off the plane because Steph was half asleep still. Thank you we all said to the girl. We sat on a bench. Stephanie was now up. She didn't look too well. She started having a seizure. Luckily Sam and I were in between her so she couldn't fall on to ground. I forgot to tell you she has epilepsy.  This man saw Stephanie and ran over to see if he could help. He said "Hey I'm Dr. Ronnie Radke. Is she okay? I can help if you need the help." I said "No she has epilepsy so she has seizures every once in awhile. But thank you. Hey didn't we go to the same high school?" He answered "Colby? As in Colby Brock? Yes we did oh my gosh hi you became a famous YouTuber. And I became a doctor. Wow" Ronnie gave me his number and I gave him mine and he went back to his wife. And Stephanie was still having a seizure. They never last this long. It's been about 5 minutes. After another minute or so she finally stopped. Her head was on Sam's lap and he was rubbing her head with his thumbs. I was rubbing her thighs. That seem to make her calm down. We went to our homes and I said goodbye to Sam and Stephanie, my home is on the next street.

Sam's POV
We walked into our old house, Stephanie was using me as support to hold herself up and after all the hugs and kisses they asked how our flight was and Steph looked at me so I told them we all kinda of just slept.  After more small talk, it was time for bed. My little brother was here. He's in high school now, in grade ten. He's not taking band, I thought he would have because I did, and usually our parents made the next kid take what I took. Stephanie was in the band as well as dance,art, and photography. My brothers name is Kyle Matthew Golbach. Stephanie's full name is Stephanie Alice-Rosé Golbach. My full name is Samuel John Golbach. Stephanie is the only one that has two middle names. I even know Colby's full name which is Cole Robert Brock. But he goes by Colby.
The next morning I heard my dad yell "Samuel Golbach! Get you're ass downstairs now! " ugh I rolled out of bed and threw on a sweater and walked downstairs to see my dad "Yes dad?" I said. My dad snapped "Hurry up and get Kyle up it's Stephanie's birthday today." Her birthday isn't until October 28th. I checked my phone it's the 28th. I walked back upstairs and went to wake up Kyle. He woke up. My dad,Kyle and I went outside, and my dad yelled at us "Samuel John Golbach! Stop being gay for one second of you're life and go do something." "Fine I'll go hang out with Colby." I said. My dad yelled at Kyle "Kyle Matthew Golbach! Go buy Stephanie a present from your mom and I. My parents love me and Kyle more.

Stephanie's POV
I wake up and it's my birthday. I check my phone to see 5 unread text messages.
Gillian: Happy happy Birthday boo!
Tom: Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
Sam: Dad and mom are both in a mood. Happy birthday Steph.
Kyle: Mom and dad forgot about your birthday, I mean I did too but happy birthday.
Colby💕: Happy birthday babe. I'm taking you out for supper, but down side I have to bring Gage,Kyle and Sam. So it's not much of a date but I promise when we get back Sam and I will take you out for better food and then I'll take you on a date.
I texted back "thank you" and for Colby I texted back "Haha babe it's fine. I love you. I can't believe we are going to be parents, I just hope I'm nothing like my parents 😔"

I got dressed and started to draw, until Sam,Gage,Felix,Kyle,James and Colby got back.
The dinner went well and Colby got me a necklace. Sam got me an anklet.

"Mom and Dad I have something we should and need to talk about....." I said to my parents, as the whole Golbach family was sitting in the living room. I was going to tell them I'm bisexual,I'm pregnant, that Colby is my boyfriend, and who the father of the baby is. Yeah I hope it all goes well. I mean I'm making Colby join us so all I can do is hope for the best.

A/N What happens if Sam,Stephanie, Colby still have the week left in their old homes?

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now