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A/N this chapter will not make sense if you didn't read the last chapter. Each chapter is based on the previous chapter. Like each chapter will be based off of the chapter before it.

Colby's POV
This morning Kyle, James,and Sam went out, so that leaves me and Stephanie alone. I said "Hey baby what's wrong?" She pulled her phone out and unlocked to reveal the pictures of me and my ex girlfriend and then she threw her phone at me and said "This." I caught her phone and looked at the pictures. And it was me and my ex girlfriend kissing. Tori and I broke up. She was the first girl I ever loved..... And she dumped me because she had feelings for her best friend. A year later I got together with Stephanie. I've been dating Stephanie for almost two years. Today will be 3 years of my ex and I breaking up. Stephanie and I got together on October 28th 2015. My ex and I broke up on January 28th 2014. I saw her at Tinder Greens last night. I've had her number since grade school(in grade 7) and recently I've been texting her. Stephanie said pissed off "Colby I want to see your phone right now." I pulled out my phone and unlocked it to the messages between Tori and I.(Two nights ago)
The texts Stephanie saw
Tori: Hey I miss your kisses.
Colby: Okay. Sorry but I'm taken.
Tori: Oh by who?
Colby: Her

Tori: Babe she's fake and a bitch

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Tori: Babe she's fake and a bitch.
Colby: Don't call my girlfriend a bitch
Tori: Colby I know you still love me. We had a bad break up.
Colby: I might still love you..... But I'm with Stephanie now.
Tori: Come to Tinder Greens tonight I'll pay.
Colby: Just as friends
Tori: Colby I was stupid. I loved you. You were the first guy I ever loved. Colby I still love you. It's been 3 years since we broke up and I've regretted it every since I said these words "Look we are over just deal with it Colby!" Colby please.
Colby: Okay look I still love you..... I've never stopped. You never forget you're first love. And you were mine. I had a dream about you last night.
Tori: It's clear that we both have feelings for each other. Let's just get back together.
Colby: Tori no I'm with Stephanie. And I'm not about to cheat on her.
Tori: Remember this photo?

Colby: Tori don't do this to me

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Colby: Tori don't do this to me.
Tori: Aww Colby lets just get back together. I missed you.
Colby: I don't know Tori.
Tori: Colby please.
Colby: I don't know I'll think about it
Tori: Fine. I'll see you at Tinder Greens at 6 don't be late babe.
Colby: I'll be there but as just your friend, and please don't call me babe.

Stephanie threw my phone back to me. Stephanie kinda of yelled at me "Hope you're fucking happy Colby! You fucking cheated on me with your ex! You came home with messy hair, you even had lipstick on your face. It looked liked you fucked her in a car! Colby I'm so upset right now you have no idea!" She went to mine and hers room and slammed the door shut. Sam,Kyle and James walked in right as the door slammed shut. I said "I wouldn't talk to Stephanie for a while. She's really pissed off, I know why. Just try and talk nice if you do talk to her. She locked herself in mine and her room." I heard something shatter. Shit we have a mirror in our room. No no no no fuck no. Sam went to go talk to Stephanie.

Sam's POV
I walked to Colby and Stephanie's room and knocked on the door and said it was Sam. She opened the door and shut it again after I was in. "Are you okay Steph?" I asked her. She answered with "Colby is still in love with his ex. And he's thinking about dumping me for her. Well I guess he's found someone better than me 😭. H-h-h-e cheated on me...... He had sex with Tori his ex." She was now crying so I pulled her close and hugged her. Kyle came into help calm Stephanie down. She was now having a seizure and a panic attack. I said "Kyle go turn off the lights." He did what I told him too. We picked Stephanie up off the floor. I got up to answer the door for Kyle and I turned back around and she was on the floor. So Kyle and I picked her up and put her on top of her bed. Her head was on my lap and I was rubbing circles on her head, Kyle was rubbing her legs. I don't know why but those two things always calms Stephanie down. After a minute she calmed down. I knew exactly what I wanted to do to Colby but I know Stephanie wouldn't let me. I knew he'd do this to her. I feel bad now.

Kyle's POV
I knew Colby was a douche. And what he has done to Stephanie, that just make my point proven. I can't believe him. If James did that me I wouldn't ever talk to him again. I really hope James doesn't. Him and I have been together for almost three years now. We got together in grade 9. And him and I are both going to be in second semester of grade 10. I love him so much.

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now