Trap Houses Moves in Together

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Stephanie's POV

Colby had asked Sam, Corey, me and this kid named Jake if we all wanted to get a house together. Currently we live with Elton, Aaron, James, Tyler, Kyle, Dylan, and many more. So we thought that the five of us would move into a house. From what Colby has told me that basically it's going to be a "Trap house" whatever the fuck that means.

Little does Stephanie know that she's in for a wild ride with the four guys was going to be a ghost,prank wars, paranormal, and crazy dares, and even some injuries. Stephanie has no idea what it coming to her.  Yes she's lived with them her whole life but not just the four of them.

Jake's POV

Colby had asked me if I wanted to move in with him, Corey, Sam and his girlfriend named Stephanie, I said sure.

We all moved in and got settled into our rooms. A few weeks later that's when the crazy shit started to happen. I had started a new prank war.  I had pranked Sam and it went like this:

The prank (did Jake take his prank to far?)

Sam and I were sitting in our backyard near the pool and I had my camera facing us as I told Sam we were doing a roommate tag. I had go pro in the pool.  We started talking about each other and how us becoming roommates when I had just stared at Sam like I had lost hearing. Sam said "Jake. Jake. Jake" "Are you okay??" He was waving his hand in front of my face and I snapped out of it and said "Yeah I just had lost my train of thought...." He said "Okay?" Sam and I were just sitting and talking and that's when I had just stood up and started to fake having a seizure and fell into the pool. I knew it was wrong but it was kind of funny. I feel bad I think I took the prank too far but like do it for the views?

Sam's POV

Jake and I were doing a roommate tag for his channel when he just looked at me blankly for like two seconds but then he was fine or so he seemed but I was wrong. A few minutes pass and he started to shake like how Stephanie does when she's about to have a seizure and next thing I knew was he was in the pool having a seizure, or what I thought he was. I screamed "COLBY! COREY! STEPHANIE!!! Jake is having seizure. CALL 911 now!!" They all came out running, Stephanie was on the phone with the paramedics, Colby and I were in the process of taking Jake out of the pool to stop him from drowning. Corey was clearing a pathway for the paramedics, since we did just move into our new house.  As soon he was out from the of the pool he jumped up and said "Welcome to the prank wars bruther!" I said "Jake we called 911 because you fell into the pool and started having a seizure.." Jake said "Guys! Call them back I was faking it the whole time.. It was a prank." Colby and I just looked at each other and didn't say anything and he just stormed off, letting the door slam shut.

Before we walked out Stephanie said "How the fuck is faking a seizure funny? You know I have seizures. And have fun explaining to the paramedics when they get here." Her and I then stormed off as well.

Stephanie's POV

I was so pissed off that Jake would do a prank that's too real for me, and Sam. I had watched Colby look at Sam and he just stormed out letting the door slam behind him. Sam could tell that I had something I wanted to say so he stayed with me incase it went south. I had looked at Jake and said "How the fuck is faking a seizure funny? You know I have seizures. And have fun explaining to the paramedics when they get here." I then walked by him and pushed through him, Sam followed me with a shocked face. Once we were all back inside and after Jake had talked to the paramedics, he got a warning for having a false call. I was cuddling with Colby watching Sam get his ass kicked by Corey in rocket league when Jake comes downstairs to sit with us. I looked at him and gave him a nasty look, still pissed off at him for his prank that he pulled. Jake said "Okay, Steph you have every right to be mad at me, I knew I took that prank too far. I was stupid. I'm sorry, really am." I looked at Colby and then to Sam and Corey and then to Jake and said "It's Stephanie" nothing else just that, he looked at me with the "Whatever look". He sighed and rolled his eyes.

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu