Prank War

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Colby's POV

I said to Stephanie "I want to prank Sam as he's been acting so stupid lately" She looked up from her phone and said "What's the plan?" I knew she'd help me but wasn't sure she'd help with a prank.

I said "I don't know yet, but I want to get him good"   Stephanie and I started brainstorming ideas on how to get Sam back. 

Stephanie then said "We should get Rosie in on the prank too. I have an idea.." I looked at her and said "Let's here it."  She said "It's a little morbid... but what if I were to start filming a video with you, and Rosie and play it off like of my fainting spells. And make it look like I fainted as I was going down the stairs? And have you and Rosie all scared and worried and freaking out." I looked at my girlfriend and kind of just chuckled and said "I'm down." Rosie was also down Steph and I texted her the plan

All of us were sitting in the living room watching Corey kick Jake's ass again in Rocket League. They were kind of in on the plan but I knew they'd be leaving soon as Jake has to go to a recording session and Corey had to get ready to film with Elton.

Stephanie set up her camera in the hallway where she was going to "faint" down. I set my camera up to make it look like we were filming a video. Sam was in his room editing so I knew he couldn't hear us.   I threw a couple of books on the ground from where Stephanie would be "fainting" from.

Rosie was going to get Sam once Stephanie screamed. We started filming the "intro" for the fake video. Rosie went and grabbed a chair from the kitchen and handing it to Stephanie who threw the chair as hard as she could and then she let out a scream and then Rosie moved the chair and Stephanie lied down on the ground, Rosie and myself were yelling Sam's name.

Sam's POV

Today was just an editing day for me. I was just in my room editing and I took a break as my eyes were being weird due to the screen even tough I was wearing blue light glasses. I heard this loud bang and I just assumed it was the boys playing video games or they were doing some stupid shit for a vlog and I didn't think of anything and went back to editing.

A couple minutes go past and I swear I was hearing someone yell Sam but nothing.

At this point Colby and Rosie weren't in the walkway. I wasn't aware of this or anything for that matter as just came out of my editing world. I can get wrapped into editing somewhat quickly.

I checked my phone and I had a bunch of missed texts from Colby. I took off my headphones again and heard him screaming my name. I went out of my room and immediately came to my senses and ran down the stairs and I see my sister laying down like half on the stairs and half on the  ground. It took me a second after I looked around and see the books on the floor scattered. I said "Oh shit." I walked over to Stephanie and felt her neck to see if she had a pulse and thankfully she did. My sister has fainting spells and can come on at anytime and anywhere, so I was getting a little worried that she had fainted going down the stairs.

I yelled "COLBY?! ROSIE?! ANYBODY?!" Colby and Rosie came running in and Colby immediately went over to Stephanie and just kicked the books away and kinda lifted her so she was no longer on the stairs and was now on his lap. Rosie walked over to me and asked "Hey Sam are you okay?? You really don't seem yourself..." I was snapped out of my thoughts and said "No. Does it look like I'm okay to you? No. Probably not. But I guess you wouldn't be okay if you have no idea what's going on with your sister that had a fainting spell?" Rosie looked at me and right then I knew I fucked up and said something stupid.  Rosie then looked at me with heartbreak in her eyes, then looked over to Colby and they exchanged looks and then she walked away..
There wasn't much to do for Steph, we just have to wait until she comes out of the faint...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now