Onward and Upward

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Stephanie's POV
I dyed my hair. It's now purple and dark brown. Sam, Kyle, and I had to go back to Kanas, for a family emergency. Our grandma was on her death bed. So I had booked three plane tickets from La to Kanas. Colby wanted to come along but I didn't want him to see me the way I might be if my grandma does pass. "I'm sorry Colby that I yelled at you I was just upset. This past week has been hell." I said to Colby. He answered  me with "It's fine babe. I understand. I shouldn't of kissed my ex. She wanted more, I didn't let her. She pushed me into the backseat and she started making out with me."

Colby drove Sam, Kyle and I to the airport. And I said "I'll text you when we land." He said "Okay." I gave my boyfriend a hug before we had to board the plane.

On the plane I had the window, Sam in the middle and Kyle on the end. For the 9 hour flight I had an 8 hour nap. I woke up on the last hour due to a nightmare. Sam woke up too and we had to wake Kyle up. We went to our old house only to get in our van for another 3-4 hours. Ugh. I got the back of the van because my parents knew I would be a bitch if I had to sit beside Kyle for another 3-4 hours. Sam and Kyle got the middle.

4 hours later and we arrived at where my grandma was. We all spent time with her. Kyle started to get hungry so mom and dad took him to go get food and brought Sam something back, I on the other hand I didn't want anything. Sam and I were in the room when she passed. Her last words were Onward and Upward. I can't believe my grandma is dead just like my baby.

The day of the visitation.
I wore jeans and a button up shirt. I had to look cute and not emo. Sam wore black jeans and a white button up shirt. Kyle had to borrow nice looking jeans from me. He wears girl jeans and him and I are the same size. He also wore a button up shirt. The boys styled the hair and by the time they were finished I had already put on makeup and straightened my hair. The visitation went as well as it could. The guy tried to hit on me but he was my cousin. And I showed him the "engagement" ring I had and he walked away. The ring was just a ring and I put it on my ring finger.

The day of the funeral.
I've never seen Sam nor Kyle this upset. Well they were chosen to carry the casket. I had to give a speech. After a bit it was my turn to go up there and say my speech. I got up there ready to give me speech. Then I turned around to see my grandma dead, and I couldn't do it. I gave my speech to the lady and went to go sit back down. Sam and Kyle hugged me. The lady read my speech "My grandma, a friend, a coworker. Shannon was a very positive lady. When she had cancer, she was strong. So I'm going to be strong. My brother and I were in the room with her when she passed. Her last words were Onward and Upward. And now to this day, I'll always remember my grandma more than just my grandma. This is a sad day, but as Shannon would have been in a very happy mood. I'm sad to say that all the fun times are now gone. But they aren't gone for good. They are in my heart and everyone in this rooms hearts. I'll never forget these words,
Onward and Upward."  Sam looked at me and I smiled the best I could.
Sam and Kyle lifted the casket in and out of the car, and on to the thing before she goes six feet underground. We all put white roses on her casket. And it came time to put her underground. It had finally hit me that my grandma was dead. Sam and Kyle had to hold me back because I would have screamed and maybe put someone else underground. I was having a mental breakdown. I didn't want my grandma to be dead. I didn't care who heard me cry. Someone asked me if I was okay and I said no really loud, I didn't care. A lot of people came over and hugged me. And that's cause me to go into a panic attack. Once we got into the car, Sam and in the back with me to make sure I was okay.

The car ride was hella boring. I must have pushed my sleeve up because Sam yanked it back down before Jessie and Frank (our parents) saw. I could see the heart break in Sam's eyes but he knows now I have depression and anxiety. Once we got to a hotel we just couldn't stay on the roads any longer. So we checked into a hotel and we went to the rooms. One room and one bed for my parents. One room and two beds for the kids. So I slept with Sam not in a sexual way. As soon as my head hit a pillow I fell asleep on Sam. Sam and I ended up sleeping on the chair. And Kyle took a picture and sent it to Colby.
Kyle: Hey you jealous yet?

Kyle: Hey you jealous yet?

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Colby: Yessssss. I wish I was Sam right now because then I could have my girlfriend sleep on me.
Kyle: Dude trust me I want James to sleep on me right now.

Our parents drove us to the airport and we said goodbye and board the plane and we were off the La. We went back to our apartment. All was good. Colby picked us up from the airport and drove us home.

Sam is my brother and Colby is my boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now