"You don't need to know all the background story of this, but basically, it started two weeks ago, Caspar read something from a notebook I carry with myself. Last week, thursday, . Basically, it was tweeted by someone in this class, with me tagged, and because I have a relatively- now, this may sound weird to you,- fanbase, it spread like a wildfire, and because those lyrics weren't supposed to get outed, I want to kindly ask the person that tweeted those, to walk here tell us." The class was silent for a couple seconds then, but exploded into utter chaos afterwards. People started shouting, started asking questions and were already judging the person that tweeted the lyrics as well as Troye, because 'how can he just demand such he thing. He's pathetic, he doesn't really have a fanbase. It's probably just an experiment for class we don't know about.' Those were some of the things I heard.

I wanted to go over to him, to cuddle up with him and to comfort him. It was what one of his friends was doing now. Kayla, I believe. However, I couldn't. I wasn't my place to do so. Especially since we were just friends, and I had only known the guy for just over two weeks. And that wasn't really the time you knew someone before you got the to privilege to comfort them in situations like this. But I couldn't tear my eyes away from the beautiful boy, who sat there in silence, clearly suffering.

Kian seemed to have to have other plans though, as he turned to me, wide eyed.

"You knew this?" He exclaimed, surprise being the only emotion on his face. I nodded, sealing my lips in the proces, while turning my seat just so I could look at him better.

"Yeah, but like, it's his privacy, and I respect that. I just really hope that whoever did this will speak up, fans of his have literally been going crazy about this," I replied.

"But like, do you know how big his 'fanbase'," he used his fingers to air quote the word, "is? And honestly, what is he even talking about? I mean, yeah, he likes to sing and I get those lines were lyrics, but it isn't like he produced music, right? He doesn't have an album or something like that?" Kian rambled, and I couldn't help but try and hide the small smile forcing it's way onto my lips.

"No, he doesn't. But his 'fanbase'," I used my fingers to at the word as well, "Is pretty big. The boy has over 1.5 million subscribers on his youtube account. But I don't feel like he wants people to know that, you know?" Kian's eyes went big at the mention of the amount of subscribers. I knew that feeling. That had been me too. I couldn't even picture that many people in a room together. Sure, I could picture a thousand, ten thousand maybe, but more than that? No. It was insane.

"He what?!"

"I know. It's crazy, but like I said, I don't think he wants people to know." We were whispering by now, though I wasn't sure why. Everyone was still talking, some shouting, but all of them confused and asking if that one person could please just, I quote, "Walk the fuck up to Mellet and tell him they did it."

It went on like that for at least fifteen more minutes, and it only died down when one of the girls that had been silent for the whole time stood up from her chair, gave Troye a hug, and opened her mouth. She had brown hair, and didn't seem to be a lot older than us. I wondered who she was and why she was here.

"Listen up! We literally have all day for this. If you want to, we could be sitting here until next week. We just want you to tell who tweeted out those lyrics, as they're- as you may or may not have noticed- clearly breaking Troye. This is a big thing, and aren't really in the ideal position to handle this at the moment. All I'm asking is for that one person to stand up now. Yes, we'll be mad at you, but honestly, if you don't tell us and, I don't know, we have to interrogate all of you one by one to get to know who posted those lyrics- and let me tell you, we will-, we'll be a lot more angry at you than if you confess to us now."

It went silent after that, and Troye tugged on her sleeve to make her ist down. I couldn't hear what exactly he was saying, as we sat relatively far to the back of the room, but the girl nodded and they all went silent again. Nobody dared to say a word. It was so silent you could hear a needle dropping to the floor. Nobody dared to move. The girl sounded stern, and though she may not look any older than we did, the sight of her making Troye more comfortable and delivering such a speech, made me have respect for her. The sight of the six people in front of the room sitting there with slightly annoyed faces, confidence and a bit vulnerability, was powerful. I gazed around the room, looking for whoever was more uncomfortable than the others. Looking for that one person who didn't dare to stand up.

The silence was only broken when, after a couple minutes, someone scraped their chair back. Everyones heads turned to him immediately. Though I had suspected Caspar for some reason, I hadn't expected one of his friends to be the one that did it. I had no idea who I had suspected, but I guess Caspar was one of them. I just didn't expect for Adam to stand up, mutter "sorry." and walk towards the group in front of class. You could feel the tension in the room. Troye looked both relieved, angry, and sad, and I never thought it was possible to see those emotions in one, but here he was, showing exactly that.

They left all together, and that's when all hell broke loose. Mrs Lovell, who everyone was sure of knew more of what was happening, was attacked with questions. I didn't pay attention to it. I already knew what was happening. I knew about Troye. I knew, and all I wanted for him now was to feel at ease here. To not worry about all this. For him to just live his life how he wants and to have fun. To live his life to the fullest and not have to deal with major problems like this.

It was later that day- or should I say night?- at around 10 pm that I heard from him again. He called me and told me all about why Adam had done so, and what the principals consequences for the boy were. He told me that Adam had been jealous for some reason, and that Caspar had been his partner in crime in all this. He told me that he was relieved this was now hopefully over. He told me that he would one time explain everything to everyone, but that now just wasn't the right time. He told me he felt extremely bad for being so vague. And I listened. I listened and reassured him. I told him that it was his own damn business, and that he should only tell when he felt like telling. And I also did something else. Something Troye couldn't possibly ever know about. I realised I was falling hard for the blue eyes Australian on the other side of my phone. I realised that all I wanted to do was to kiss him. And I got scared.

HI. Long time no see. I'm sorry. Yesterday, I tried writing this chapter but my laptop kept buffering 😒 I hope I made it up for you with it being 2k+ words (:


Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and don't think it's too bad. ILY. Really guys, your comments/votes/reads make my day.

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