Miracles (One-shot)

Start from the beginning

"Eh? Soraru-san? What's wrong?"

"... It's nothing," Soraru slowed down his footsteps, letting Mafu catch up with him.

"Ehh?" Mafu skipped towards Soraru, holding his drink firmly in his hand, being careful to not spill it. "That's a lie! You're hiding something from me, aren't you?" he peeked at Soraru from the side, smirking at him playfully but Soraru already turned his head away.

"I'm not," Soraru lied, once again lifting the can to his mouth to cover his face up as much as he could. "Even if I am, I wouldn't tell you- Ah," he stopped at his sentence when he felt something cold hitting his face, his hands, and then his entire body. It started raining so suddenly, Soraru and Mafumafu couldn't react instantly.

Mafu was the first one who took a step out. "Soraru-san, let's hurry to my place since it's not far from here!"

To be honest, Soraru didn't want to. He didn't know what he would do if he did. The last time he was at Mafu's room, he picked up a piece of his clothing which was left on the floor, and touched it. No, he didn't sniff them. Even he himself thought that it would be bad if he did. But when he thought about how everything in the room was Mafu's and it was filled entirely with his scent, Soraru's thoughts went uncontrollably wild.

His body would heat up, and his head felt extremely light. It was as if he was being engulfed by the scent of Mafu. It was soothing and yet very agitating at the same time.

Soraru wished he wouldn't fall deeper for him, but his feelings told him otherwise. It was obvious that he was obsessed over him, so much he would like to have him for himself, so much that he would sometimes think it would have been better if he fell for another person.

As these thoughts flooded into his mind within a few seconds, he could only nod at Mafu and take up his offer, following his steps back to his house.


When they reached Mafu's house, Mafu switched on the lights, lighting up the entire room. He offered Soraru to take a shower first, but Soraru refused.

"I'm fine. I'll take it after you,"


"I don't fall sick as easily as you do, so please, just do me a favor and get in already,"

Mafu pouted at him after he said that. Oh, please don't or my heart would explode. Mafu looked down at their feet and nodded. Soraru let out his breath that he didn't know he was holding. He must have been stupidly nervous about entering Mafu's room after so long. He watched as Mafu entered the shower, his figure silhouetted against the blurred glass door, taking off his clothes.

Soraru shook his head, telling himself that he'd rather be in Mafu's room than here if it could help keep his mind at its reins. When he walked into Mafu's room, there weren't much visible changes, maybe one or two more extra plushies, and a few more GochiUsa goods he hasn't seen before, but that was probably just all.

He didn't know what to do to not dirty Mafu's room since he was all soaked up from the rain. He got down to his knees and sat on Mafu's floor, deciding to not move an inch from there until Mafu comes out. Soraru thought it would take some time until he does but in just a few minutes, Mafu already called out for Soraru to quickly go to the bathroom.


"Ah, Soraru-san, how was the shower?"

"It was warm," Soraru replied. He rubbed the towel Mafu lent him over his head. Mafu already finished drying his hair, and was sitting on the bed with the hairdryer. Soraru was wearing Mafu's clothes at the moment. They were big and loose, just like how Mafu loves to wear them.

"Come here, Soraru-san!" Mafu gestured, pointing at the floor between his legs. He looked at him with eyes that seem to sparkle and with a huge smile on his face.

"... Why?"

"What do you mean why? I'm offering to help dry your hair so come here!"

Soraru stared at him for a while, a little hesitant to accept his help. But with Mafu looking like that at him, it was harder to refuse than to accept. He let out a frustrated sigh and sat down between Mafu's legs, earning a satisfied hum from Mafu.

He turned on the hairdryer and directed it at Soraru's hair. "Tell me if it's too hot, okay?"

Soraru said nothing and enjoyed the feeling of Mafu's fingers raking through his hair then he heard a light giggle from above. He craned his head to the back so that he could look at Mafu properly.

"No, I just found out another cute part of you just now," Mafu smiled, turning the hairdryer down a little as he blew it on Soraru's bangs. "Like how you close your eyes when I pet you, I never knew Soraru-san liked being petted at all," he pushed Soraru's head forward so that he could get the hair at the back.

I only liked it because it was you. "You're weird. Did you know that, Mafu?" But of course Soraru wouldn't say something like that. He lifted his head up at Mafu as he said so.

"I'm afraid I do," he let out a giggle again. Soraru was being rude but he didn't seem to mind. "But since Soraru-san doesn't have the habit to drying his hair, then I guess Mafu shall be the one who does it. So it would be fair for me to see all the different parts of you, right?" Mafu averted his gaze from his own fingers to Soraru's eyes.

And Soraru just stared back at him. He didn't know what he was doing. He reached his hand out towards Mafu. Placing it at the back of Mafu's head, Soraru pulled him down for a kiss. It was simply an innocent kiss, but it left Soraru's lips trembling when he pulled back, wanting more than just gently touching them.

If these feelings were to get exposed, he wouldn't know what to do. But when Mafu was being so gentle with him, he just couldn't keep it bottled up anymore. He wanted Mafu to realize from the kiss that he loved him, that he really wishes to date him. Everyone around them knew about how Soraru felt, except for Mafu. He was afraid that this would ruin their friendship but he couldn't be bothered by it anymore.

Mafu stared at him with widened eyes, shocked, surprised. Soraru watched as various expressions flashed on his face, one after another.

"I'm sorry," Soraru apologized, sitting up from his seat.

He thought Mafu would give him a greater reaction but he didn't. Mafu just sat there and smiled, shaking his head at him. "It's okay. I'm sure you're just doing it as a joke like how you normally do," he laughed, brushing it off as if it was nothing.

Soraru wanted Mafu to blush at his actions, and scold him for sneaking a kiss from him. He wanted his heart to beat as fast as his because of him just like how Soraru does with Mafu. He wanted to be the one who gets to tell him 'I love you', 'good morning', 'good night' and other things of the sort every day.

But Soraru was not the one.

"I'm sorry," he said again. Soraru stood up, picked up his belongings and left.

Some may have miracles in love.

Though Soraru was definitely not one of them

Soraru was a homosexual. He loved Mafu a lot that it sometimes made him question how he could be so unbelievably in love he was with Mafu. But no matter how hard he loved him and how much he hoped he would stay by his side, it just wouldn't happen.

Because Mafu was normal. He was normal just like everyone else.

Then what was left for Soraru? 

"If love was such a painful thing," Soraru whispered to himself, his voice broke as he closed the door behind him, with his back on the door. He slowly slid down until he was crouching on the ground, resting his elbows on his knees and planted his face into his palms, letting the tears quietly fall from his eyes. "... Then I wished I never loved anyone,"


A/N: I've been wanting to try writing angst for real, but it just wouldn't come to me. Then again, it was my first actual attempt at this so I hope I can write more in the future! I'm sorry that it's not the usual fluff I write! Thank you for reading!

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