Love was but a complicated emotion in humans, and Mafu didn't want to understand it. You feel happy and contented with them but sometimes you get so sad to the point where it hurts so badly in the chest, making it hard to breathe.

He let out a sigh when he turned his back to the board, picking up the duster to erase everything on it. Mafu put the duster back in place, choosing a suitable colour to use for his next drawing.

"Ah, it's Soraru-san!" Amatsuki said, loudly, sounding super excited to see him.

"Soraru-san!" all the kids started rushing towards the door.

"Mafumafu-sensei, I'm late but I'm here to learn," said the person in crime, his deep, sexy voice triggering Mafu.

Mafu turned to Soraru who was in a suit and tie. It seemed he just came back from his business trip. "How many times do I have to say that you're not allowed to enter the kindergarten during school hours?"

"But I came here to learn," Soraru shuffled towards him with the pool of children clinging onto his legs. "Right?" he asked, looking at the cute little children swarming around him.

"Soraru-san came to learn!" Nqrse jumped on his feet happily.

"Soraru-san can sit beside me!" said the only four-year old, Sou.

"Hmph!" Mafumafu turned away, not amused at Soraru at all.

Amatsuki tugged lightly on Soraru's pants, gaining Soraru's attention after. The boy stared up at him worriedly. "Soraru-san, did you anger sensei?"

"Apparently so," Soraru got down to his eye level, and smiled. "But it's nothing for you to worry about. Thank you for your concern, Amatsuki-kun,"

"I'm sure he'll be happy if you touched him with your lips," Kashitarou said, puckering his lips to demonstrate what he meant to Soraru, moving them in a disturbingly cute manner.

"Is Amatsuki-kun like that?" Soraru directed this to Kashitarou, which he happily nodded to. Amatsuki punched him in the guts with his elbow after though.

"Lon knows that she would be happy if Soraru-san kisses her!" Lon put her hands up in the air, wishing for Soraru to notice her. Soraru chuckled at her statement and patted her head, causing her to blush.

Soraru stood up, the children made way for him to go to Mafu.

"I'll be borrowing sensei for a bit," he grabbed Mafu by the waist and pulled him out of the room. Mafu struggled, pulling at the door or whatever there was for him to grab but failed. The kids waved him goodbye, some gave him a thumbs up, and some gave him a look that meant "good luck," he didn't know what that meant but he was mad. He decided to give them extra homework when he gets back to them.

"Don't tell me that you're going to give them more work to do,"

Mafu snapped himself back to what he had in front of him. Soraru brought him into an empty classroom. It was close to evening so there weren't any teachers left in the kindergarten. His class was the last one for the day. Soraru pushed him up against the wall, his hands were firm on Mafu's figure.

"Who are you? I don't think I know you," he said coldly, trying to push himself away from Soraru.

"Are you mad because I didn't call for the past few days?"

"Let me go,"

"Answer me,"

"... Let me go!"

Mafu continuously hit Soraru, genuinely hoping that he would just let go of him already. After disappearing for a few days, and then appearing in front of him as he pleases. He didn't think he could keep the rush of emotions to himself if this went on.

"... Mafumafu..." Soraru leaned his forehead against Mafu's shoulder, sounding tired and guilty.

"Have you any idea how badly worried I was about you?!" Mafu let out the tears he had been keeping in since the very day he started worrying. He was not sure when that was but it felt like forever. "You said you would call me every night, and then you didn't! I thought something happened to you, idiot!"

"... I'm sorry," Soraru lifted his head up, looking at Mafu's face. He removed his hands from Mafu's waist and wiped his tears for him. "Everything was so hectic. I couldn't find the time to call... I missed you too, so much that I came running here to see you,"

Mafu gripped onto Soraru's shoulders, crumpling up his suit in his fists. "Please don't do this to me again..." Mafu mumbled, wiping his face with the back of his hand, but the tears kept coming down no matter how hard he tried wiping them.

"There won't be a next time, I promise,"

Soraru tilted Mafu's head up, forcing him to look into his eyes. And just like that, Mafu felt reassured, he felt safe, he felt warm. But he didn't want to just forgive him so easily.

"I won't forgive you unless you kiss me a whole ton tonight," Mafu sniffled, glaring at Soraru.

Soraru chuckled, his face closing in the next second. His lips touched his, as if carefully, trying not to frighten his prey. He opened his mouth slightly, biting onto Mafu's bottom lip and then sucking on it so, very tenderly, Mafu almost fell into a swoon. Mafu opened his eyes slowly when Soraru pulled back, desperately holding onto Soraru for support.

"I'll kiss you so much you'd wish you never said that," Soraru grinned rakishly at him, dropping another kiss on his lips.

Soraru then led Mafu back to the classroom where all the children were waiting. Mafu slid the door open, and turned to Soraru before he entered, refusing to leave Soraru's side. He held onto Soraru's hand, letting Soraru stroke the back of his hand with his thumb.

"I'll be waiting for you out here,"

Mafu only stepped inside when Soraru said so.

"Soraru-san! Did you make up with sensei?" little Luz asked, his volume slightly higher so that Soraru could hear him. Soraru said nothing but pulled Mafu to him.

"You kids better listen to Mafumafu-sensei or I'll be the one teaching you," Soraru said, pushing Mafumafu back into the room.

Whatever that happened behind the door that made Mafu blush madly even when he was teaching was still a mystery to the children.

Secret conversation (Extra).

Kashi: I'm sure Soraru-san kissed sensei.

Ama: How do you know, Kashitarou-san?

Kashi: Because Mafumafu-sensei looks like a tomato at the moment! Just like how you look like after I kissed you!

Ama: Haa? I'm not going to talk to you for the rest of the day.

Kashi: EH?!

Luz: Kain-kun, let's kiss.

Kain: ...?!

Nqrse: ?!


A/N: I've been wanting to write one for Aru on her birthday, but since the ABO series was not done at that time, I couldn't. And because of her sudden post on my profile last night, I realised I had the time to write one. I'm sorry that the chapter is rather short and it's so meaningless considering that this is actually a birthday gift www I wrote something like this because I wanted to see children pooling at Soraru-san's feet, I apologise if this wasn't good w I could have done a better job at it but this is apparently all I can manage if I work during midnight! WELL. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE, AND HAVE A NICE DAY.

Soraru x Mafumafuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें