I don't know about everyone else, but my heart is beating faster than usual. I don't sweat under pressure, but I feel like I'm about to break into one. I hope Yams believes this lie Ferg told despite him being a good liar because if he doesn't then we're all screwed.

Yams is still staring at us from the couch. He probably doesn't want to believe what Ferg said but his look says he's too tired to deal with some bullshit.

"Alright," he starts "well as you can see I'm up now and it may not look it," he states pulling at his hair that's all over the place "but I'm ready to work. So Rocky what was the problem you were having?"

I start to speak but that's when Ty speaks up instead. "Yo Yams are you sure you don't want to go take a shower and fix yourself up?"

He sighs. "I said I'm fine, Ty."

"But come on, Yams, I mean we got girls coming over later on and I don't want them to see you looking like this," He lies.

Yams takes a quick look at himself before answering back. "Well since you said there are girls coming over I guess I could go freshen up. I'll be back though and Rocky you're telling me about that problem, nigga."

I force out a laugh. "You got it, Yams." He nods his head getting up from the couch and leaves the room. Soon as he's far out of earshot from us we have our own crazy discussion.

"How the fuck do you guys just stand here quiet?" I ask. "We made it pretty fucking obvious that we were talking about him earlier."

"Well shit, I don't even know why we were so silent in the first place," speaks Joey. "It's not like he can beat our ass."

"Shit, he can do that and kick all of us out," Bari says.

"True," speaks Ty, "but if I may be honest I didn't say shit because him walking in the room made me feel some type of way. Now Ferg that lie you told was on point, but I really thought that we wouldn't see him until tomorrow or some shit like that."

"Yeah you know I tried to come up with the best lie possible," Ferg replies "because honestly he scared the shit out of me when he walked in the room." Everybody says at the same time how Yams scared them.

I cut them off by speaking up. "Wait so is that why no one said anything? Because you guys were scared?"

"HELL NO!" Everyone says. 

"Wait, wait, wait," I say "I'm confused. How the fuck you guys say that he scared y'all but then y'all deny it two seconds later?"

"The point is," announces Bari "we have got to make this talk happen and tell the rest of the guys about it. Because what just happened made me realize we can't hide this forever." I would pressed the subject even more, but I'm not because it turned into something it should've have been. 

Instead we decide to change the topic to something else and keep working on the track until Yams comes back. 


I'm just now getting home from the studio and it's almost 11:30 at night. I worked another track of mine called Suddenly before handing the studio over to Ferg and Yams.

I plop on my bed face down thinking about today. I can't believe that we treated Yams like he was a crazy crackhead off the street. Of course we still love him like a brother, and maybe a father figure and all, but damn the way we barely spoke to him, how we were silent most of the time, I gotta admit we were cold towards him. I agree with Bari, we really need to have this talk soon because I see it's really making us all feel some way we don't want it to.

I reach into my pocket and take out my phone. Going through my contacts I come across Drake's name. I want to call him, but at the same time I feel he might be sleep because he's been busy. Oh fuck it.

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