Chapter Eighteen

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“Two months today Tyler!” I squealed, ticking the 23rd February off of the calendar. I was due on 23rd April, and I was so excited!

“I've still got five months to go.” Diana huffed, as she waddled into the kitchen, “I'm so bored of this pregnancy thing now.”

“I'm almost done.” I said quietly with a slight frown. Although I was really excited about meeting my daughter, I was certainly going to miss being pregnant.

“Why people put themselves through this so many times, I don't know.” Diana sighed, turning on the oven to cook her fish fingers, “And labour pains? Don't even get me started...”

“But the outcome is pretty great.” I grinned, picking up Chrissie, who had recently toddled into the kitchen, “I wouldn't give my baby up for the world.” Once again I couldn't get Chrissie into a comfortable position, so I handed her over to her Auntie Dee Dee.

Chrissie was sucking contently on her dummy, as she snuggled her head down into Diana's neck. “Eww, wet hair!” Diana giggled. Tyler had just given Chrissie a bath, so she smelt nice and looked super cute in her pyjamas.

“You ready to go to bed baby?” I asked, stroking her cheek. She seemed to smile, so I took her out of her auntie's arms, and pulled her onto my back. “Mummy's going to have to piggyback you!” I laughed, and waddled my way upstairs.

“Teddy.” She murmured sleepily through her dummy. I placed her into her cot, and handed her her teddy. She instantly laid down, and her eyes lids begun to flutter.

“Night night sweetheart.” I whispered, and bent down to kiss her forehead.

As I bent over her cot, I felt a sudden shooting pain in my stomach. “Ouch.” I whispered, trying to stand upright. Every time I tried to straighten my back my stomach hurt, so I sunk down to the floor. “Stupid cramps.” I muttered, breathing deeply.

After a while the pain went away, but I didn't want to risk getting up just yet. I was quite content listening to Chrissie's loud breathing as she slept. I was sat there for a while, before I felt another cramp start.

That's when I realised I wasn't having cramps.

“Tyler...” I breathed, feeling scared. But I knew he couldn't hear me. “Tyler!” I shouted, this time he must of heard me, because I heard his heavy footsteps pounding up the stairs.

“What's the matter?” He questioned, arriving in Chrissie's bedroom.

“Tyler,” I started nervously, “I'm having contractions...”

“You're what?” He asked, his eyes widening in surprise, “Two months early?!”

“I guess so.” I mumbled, feeling numb. The pain in my stomach was really bad, and I was afraid for my baby's health.

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