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Paris: Yes, Matthew. Matthew: We're getting married. Paris: I love you. Matthew: I love you too. Beth: Matthew, Paris, I am so proud of you. Matthew: Thanks, Mom. Beth: I can't believe that you're getting married soon. Matthew: Yeah, Mom, but I will always be grateful for you and Dad, you both gave me a home, and adopted me, i will never forget that. Paul: I'll miss you. Matthew: I will also miss you, Dad. Jackie: Hey, Matthew. Matthew: Hey, Jackie, i know that you'll turn into something good, you can be anything you want. Jackie: Thank you. Andrew: Matthew. Matthew: Andrew. Andrew: I won't say goodbye. Matthew: It's not goodbye, it's see you again. Andrew: Does that mean that you're coming and visit us? Matthew: Yeah, me and Paris wants to come and visit you. Andrew: That's good. They all give each other a hug. Matthew: But now I have to go with my fiance, I have something to show her. Paris: Let's go. They go over to a house, not so far away from Matthew's parents house. Matthew: I have something to show you. Paris: Okay. Matthew: Look at the this house. Paris: Yes, it's a big house. Matthew: It's our house. Paris: Don't you think that it will be too big for us? Matthew: It's a good house. Paris: Yes it is. Matthew: I want to do something good for the world, someday i wanna help someone who needs my help. Paris: I know you can do it. Matthew: Thank you. Paris: We can help people together. Matthew: Yeah, let's do it, our home is next to our work. Paris: Yeah, I love you. Matthew: I love you too. they kiss each other on the mouth.

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