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There has been gone a few months and Matthew still lives with Beth and Paul, and he is getting used to it, and he is a little happier, and he has learned many more things, and he is gonna be 15 years, it's his birthday and they want to celebrate it, so Beth and Paul are waiting for Matthew in the kitchen. Matthew get's up from his bed, and he takes his clothes on and goes into the kitchen. Beth: Hey. Matthew: Hey. Paul: Happy Birthday. Matthew: Thank you. Beth: Happy Birthday. Matthew: Thank you. Beth: we've baked a cake, we hope you like it. Matthew: Is that chocolate cake? Beth: Yes, it is, we're gonna eat it tonight. Paul: It's not just your birthday today, but it is also the day Beth found you on the street. Matthew: Yes, I remember that. Beth: it's the day that i found you lost on the street. Matthew: Yes, I'm really happy to have a place I can stay for a while. Beth: We will find a solution to it all. Matthew: Yes, i hope so. Paul: We bought a birthday gift to you, here. Matthew: Thank you. Beth: We hope you like your gift. Matthew packs his gift up. Matthew: It's an iPhone, thanks. Beth: We knew you'd be happy for your gift. Matthew: Yeah, i'm very happy about it. Paul: It's good to hear. Beth is suddenly not feeling well, she runs out to the toilet and throws up, Matthew and Paul can hear it. Paul: Beth, what's wrong? Beth: Nothing, I don't feel so good. Paul: I'm sure you're all right. Beth: What if i'm sick? Paul: You're not sick, maybe we should find out what's wrong with you. Beth: Yeah, but it's Matthew's birthday. Paul: I'm sure he can wait here. Beth: Matthew, can you be alone here, while we go to the hospital? Matthew: Yes, I can be alone. Beth: Good, we get home quick. Matthew: Okay. Beth: I'm sorry to ruin your birthday. Matthew: it's okay, you're gonna be okay. Beth: Thank you. Matthew is wondering what is wrong with Beth, and he hopes that she is okay. At the hospital: a doctor examines what's wrong with Beth, and one hour after they are getting an answer to why Beth throws up. Doctor: Beth, I know why you feel bad. Beth: Tell me why. Doctor: It's because you are pregnant. Paul: Is she pregnant? Doctor: Yes she is. Beth: we're having a baby. Paul: What do we say to Matthew? Beth: I think that we should wait to say anything until we know if he is staying with us or not. Paul: okay. they go home again. At home: Matthew is sitting in the kitchen, he is waiting for Paul and Beth. they are finally home. Beth: I'm sorry, Matthew. Matthew: It's okay, are you okay? Beth: Yes, I'm fine. Matthew: That's good. It's evening, and the whole family is sitting in the kitchen. Paul: Now i think that we should eat the cake. Beth: Yes, let's eat it. They eat the cake and Matthew likes the cake.

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