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It's morning, Matthew is talking with his family. Beth: What are you doing tonight? Matthew: I need to go to. Jackie: You're going to the new girl? Paul: What's her name? Matthew: You already know her. Beth: Is it Susana? Matthew: No, it's not Susana. Beth: Does she work? Matthew: No, she dosen't, she goes to school. Beth: Okay. Matthew: I'm probably sleeping at her house tonight. Beth: If you need to sleep with her, you must be careful. Matthew: I'll be careful. Beth: Okay. Later: It's afternoon: Matthew drives over to Paris, he rings on her door, she opens the door. Paris: Hey, come in. Matthew goes with her inside. Paris: I didn't expect that you came. Matthew: But I'm here now. Paris: Yeah, I can see that. They go into the living room. Matthew: There's something I gotta tell you. Paris: Okay. Matthew: I know that you and me, we didn't get a good start to know each other, but now. Paris: But now what? what's wrong? Matthew: The more time we spendt together, the more i came to really like you. Paris: I also really like you. Matthew: You like me? Paris: Yeah. They start kissing each other on the mouth. Paris: How old are you? Matthew: I'm 18 years old, and you? Paris: I'm 18 years too. Matthew: That's good. Paris: Yeah, come here. Paris kisses Matthew, he kisses her back. Next day: Matthew and Paris are at the gym together, again. Paris is sad, Matthew goes over to her, he comforts her. Paris: Do you really like me? Matthew: Yeah, and I must be stupid for liking you. Paris: Yes and no. Suddenly they kiss each other on the mouth. Paris: We kissed. Matthew: Yeah, we did. Paris: But what does it mean? Matthew: Do you want me to be your boyfriend? Paris: Yeah. Matthew: Okay, you're my girlfriend. They smile to each other, and then they drive home to Paris, and they go into the bedroom and kiss. But nothings happens, they just sleep together.

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