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It's morning, and there's a letter from the school. Beth reads the letter, she will be pleased. Matthew is just getting up, he goes into the kitchen to Paul and Beth. Beth: Matthew, there's a letter from the school. Matthew: What is written in the letter? Beth: It says that you should go to school. Matthew: Really? Beth: Yes, it's a good thing. Matthew: Yes, it's a good thing. Beth gives Matthew a hug. Paul reads the letter. Paul: It says that you should start going to school from tomorrow. Matthew: That's good, I am looking forward to it. Paul: I need to talk alone with Beth. Matthew: Okay. Matthew goes into his room. Paul: we gotta talk. Beth: Okay, what do you wanna talk with me about? Paul: Have you heard anything about if Matthew still can stay with us? Beth: No, I have not heard anything, and there's soon been gone two months since then. Paul: What happens if he can't stay here with us? Beth: I don't know, but I would like that he'll be staying here with us. Paul: Yeah, me too. Beth: what if the social workers decides that he can't stay here. Paul: I would like him to be here, with us. Beth: me too, but if they decide to make him move, I will not go along with it, I love this kid. Paul: I do too. next day: Matthew starts at the school, and Paul is a teacher at his school. Beth: You'll get the good of the school. Matthew: Thank you. Beth: I'll pick you up when you have free. Matthew: Okay. Paul makes sure that Matthew enters the correct class, and in the class sits the boy, Matthew met and talked with the day he visited the school. James: Hey, so you got into the school? Matthew: Yes, I did. James: That's good. Matthew: Yes, it's good. later: James: I'm sure you and I can be friends with each other. Matthew: Yes, we can. James: Okay. later: Beth picks Matthew up at the school, Paul went home, he doesn't have so many hours as a teacher at the school.

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