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it's evening and Matthew sits alone on the street, he is a little drunk, and suddenly the police is coming, they're looking for Matthew, so they ask a homeless man if he have seen Matthew, and they show him a picture of Matthew. the homeless man is looking at the picture, and then he looks at all the homeless people and sees Matthew, and says that over there he sits. The police goes to Matthew, he is getting a little scared. Police: don't be afraid, come with me. Matthew goes with the police. Police: Are you cold? Matthew: Yes. they give him a blanket, so he doesn't freeze. Police: Where are your parents? Matthew: I don't have any parents, I only live with some people, but they are not my parents. Police: What are their names? Matthew: Their names are Beth and Paul. Police: I'll call them and say that we have found you. Mathew: Thanks. The police are calling Paul and Beth. Beth: It's Beth. Police: it's the police, we have found a boy called Matthew. Beth: Have you found him? Police: Yeah, he's found, I think that you should come and get him, he's a little drunk. Beth: okay thank you. Paul: Who was that ? Beth: It was the police, they found Matthew. Paul: That's good news. Beth: We have to go and pick him up. Paul: Okay, let's go there. they go to pick up Matthew. when they come to pick up Matthew, he sits with a blanket around him, he is very dirty. Matthew looks sad. Beth: Matthew. Matthew: Paul, Beth. Matthew runs to Paul and Beth, and he gives them a hug. Paul: Hey, we missed you. Matthew: I also missed you. Beth: Have you been here for a very long time? Matthew: Yes, in some months, I ran away from Paige and I got drunk, i'm sorry, it's not your fault. Matthew dosen't feel good. Paul: Matthew, are you okay?

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