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At the school: Matthew is talking to James, and then there is a person he have met before who shows up at the school. Susana: Hey. James: Hey. Susana and Matthew are looking at each other. Matthew: Hey, I remember you. Susana: I also remember you. Matthew: My name is Matthew. Susana: Yes, I remember that, and my name is Susana. Matthew: Yes, I remember that. James: Susana, we need to talk later. Susana: Okay. Susana goes. Matthew: Do you know her? James: Yeah, i know her. Matthew: Do you like her? James: Yes, but not in that way. Matthew: Why not? James: Because she is my sister. Matthew: Oh okay. James: Do you know my sister? Matthew: Yeah, we meet each other before. James: How do you know her? Matthew: That's a long story. James: You can tell me. Matthew: No, i can't tell you, not now, i'm sorry. James: Why not, what's wrong? Matthew gets sad and runs outside. Paul sees Matthew runs outside. Paul: What's wrong with him? James: I don't know, suddenly he became upset and ran outside. Susana: I'll go out and talk to him. Paul: That's a good idea, he really needs someone to talk with. Susana goes out to him. Susana: Hey, what's wrong? Matthew: everything is confusing. Susana: is this about me? Matthew: No, it's about the people I live with, what happens if I can't stay with them, and I don't know what to do. Susana: I'm sure that they want to keep you. Matthew: It's not up to them, it's up to the social workers. Later: at Home: Paul and Beth are talking about what options they have left for Matthew to stay with them. Paul: What can we do to keep him? Beth: I've thought of something. Paul: Yeah, what did you thought about? Beth: we could adopt him. Paul: Do you want to adopt him? Beth: Yes, it seems like it's the only option we have left. Paul: That's a good idea, and if it goes well, we'll tell him about the baby. Beth: Yes, he should know that we are having a baby.

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