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Later: At home: Beth: I really miss hearing from Matthew. Paul: I do too, but he'll find out, that is not a good idea to sleep with her. Beth: Do you think that he will realize that I am right. Paul: Maybe, he loves us, he will never leave us, no matter where he is, he always finds back home. Beth: Oh, Paul, you're right, he'll find back home. Andrew goes to his parents. Andrew: Mom. Beth: Yes, what's wrong? Andrew: Where is Matthew? Beth: He is not home, he is with Paris. Andrew: Okay. At Paris's house: It's evening: Matthew and Paris are in the same bed, Matthew is confused, he is thinking about if this is the right relationship he is in, and he is also thinking about Susana, he get's old feelings back again. Paris: Matthew, what's wrong? Matthew: Nothing. Next day: Matthew and Paris wakes up, they look at each other. Matthew sits up on the bed, he is thinking about Susana, he is confused. Paris sits down next to him. Paris: What's wrong? Matthew: Yesterday, when I was out and buy food for us, I met Susana, my ex girlfriend, we had a good talk. Paris: Now I understand, you like her? Matthew: Yes, but i like you too, i'm confused. Paris: Listen, it's only you who can decide who you want to be with, i just want you to be happy. Matthew: Thanks, but until I find out who I want to be with, we have to break up, i'm sorry. Paris: It's okay, I understand you. Matthew: Thanks, because you understand me, i have something to do. Paris: Okay.

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