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Next day: At the school: Matthew's dad is talking with the teacher at the school. Matthew sees Susana, he goes slowly over to Susana, she talks with Emily. Matthew: Hey. Susana: Hey. Susana. Susana looks angry at Matthew. Emily: Are you okay? Matthew: Yes, I'm fine. Susana: What do you want? Matthew: I want to talk with you. Susana: What if I don't want to talk with you? Emily: You don't have to be mad at him. Susana: It's his own fault, that I'm mad at him. Emily: I have to go, my boyfriend is waiting on me. Matthew: You don't want to talk with me? Susana: About what? Matthew: There's something I want to say. Susana: Say it. Matthew suddenly thinks about the car accident, and panics, he gets a little tears in his eyes. Paul comes, he rushes over to Susana and Matthew. Susana: Matthew, what's wrong? Paul: He's in a panic. Susana: About the car accident he had? Paul: Yeah. Paul tries to calm Matthew down. Paul: Matthew, calm down, breathe. Matthew becomes calm again, Susana comforts him. Matthew: I'm sorry, because I suddenly starts to cry. Susana: It's okay, I'm here for you. Matthew: Thank you. Susana: Everything's gonna be okay. Matthew: I hope so. Suddenly Paris is coming, she is at the school. Paris: What's going on? Matthew: Nothing you will understand. Susana: Hey, who are you? Paris: My name is Paris. Susana: My name is Susana, i'm Matthew's ex girlfriend. Paris: Nice to meet you. Susana: Thanks, you too. Paris: Matthew, why are you like that to me? Matthew: Like what? Paris: It seems that you don't like me. Matthew: I just met you, you don't know me, you only know my mother. Paris: She was my teacher. Matthew: Leave me alone. Paris: Okay, fine. Later: At home: Matthew: mom, I panicked when i was at the school today. Beth: because of the car accident? Matthew: Yeah, I'm so afraid of what will happen to me, when I can drive in my car again. Beth: Don't be afraid, you'll be fine. Matthew: Thanks, mom.

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