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It's morning, Paul and Beth are in the kitchen. Paul has just talked to his father on the phone. Beth: when will your dad come and visit us? Paul: He is coming today. Beth: Okay, then we are busy. Paul: Yes. Matthew and Jackie goes into the kitchen to Paul and Beth. Matthew: Mom, Dad, what's going on? Paul: My dad is coming to visit us today. Matthew: Okay. Paul: I just hope that he can accept that I have children. Matthew: Mom's parents accept us. Beth: Yes, they do, and I'm sure that Dad's dad will accept you and Jackie and Andrew. Later: Paul's father John comes to visit Beth and Paul, and their children. the doorbell rings, Beth opens the door. Beth: Hey John, come in. John: Hey Beth. they go into the living room, the children are in their rooms. Paul: Hey dad. John: Hey Paul. Paul: Dad, can I ask you something? John: Sure, what do you wanna ask me about? Paul: What would you say if I had children? John: Have you got children? Paul: Yeah, me and Beth have three children, we have two boys and one girl. John: Okay, where are they now? Beth: I'll get them. Beth goes in and says to Matthew and Jackie that they should go into the room, she also takes the little Andrew, into the living room. John looks at Matthew and Jackie. John: Is this your children? Paul: Yes, that's two of them, Beth comes with the third child. Beth finally comes into the living room to the rest of the family with little Andrew. John looks at the little baby. John: A little baby. Beth: This is Andrew, he is the newest member of the family. John: He's really sweet. Beth: Yes, he is. John: What are they called, your other two children? Paul: This is Matthew, and this is Jackie. John: How can you and Beth suddenly have three children? Paul: We have three children. John: It can't be true, because last time I was here, there were no children. Paul: It's because. John: Because what? Beth: Because we have adopted one of them. John: Have you adopted a child? Paul: Yes, we have adopted Matthew. Matthew and Jackie goes into Matthew's room to talk. Matthew: I don't think Dad's dad likes us. Jackie: What can we do about that? Matthew: I don't know.

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