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It's been another week, the 2 weeks vacation from the school is coming to an end. Susana is calling Paris. Paris: Yeah, it's Paris. Susana: It's Susana, are you sure everything is ready for the Bright family? Paris: Yeah, everything is soon ready. Matthew: What is ready? Who are you talking to? Paris: I can't tell you yet. Matthew: Fine, just keep ignoring me, you are so good at that. Paris: Sorry. Matthew: It's okay. Paris: I have to meet with Susana and the others, we'll see later. Matthew: Okay. Paris meets with Susana, James, Emily and Cody at the school. At the school: James: Is everything ready for the Bright family? Paris: Yeah, let's go home to me, and show the Bright family our gift to them. Susana: Yeah, they are gonna be so happy. Emily: Yeah, i hope that. Cody: Of course, they are gonna be happy about it. Later: At home: Paris: Beth, Paul, Matthew, Jackie, Andrew, come with us. Matthew: Where are we going? James: Come with us. Paul: What's going on? Emily: You get to see that. Beth: Okay, but it's Matthew's 4 years adoption day, we have to celebrate it. Cody: You can still do that. Beth: Okay. Paris: We need to drive a little. Paul: Okay. They go out in the car, Beth, Paul, Matthew, Jackie and Andrew are blindfolded, until they comes over to their gift. Paris: We are here, you can look now. They take their blindfold off and looks surprised. Jackie: Is that ours? Paris: Yeah. Matthew: It's a new house. Beth: Yes, it is. Paul: Is it really our new house? James: Yes, it is. Beth: Thank you so much. Paris: We wanted to help you. Beth: That's so nice of you all. Paul: We'd better get our stuff into the new house. Beth: Yes, we have to. They collect all their stuff at the Jones Family, and then the Bright family finally moves into their new house. And then they gonna celebrate it, and they gonna celebrate that Matthew has been adopted for 4 years.

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