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it's morning, Matthew and his family are sitting in the kitchen and talking. Beth: You smell good. Matthew: Thank you. Paul: who do you smell good for? Matthew: I'm just happy today. Beth: It's good that you're happy. Matthew: Yes, I need to be happy, not like last year, when I was sad. Jackie: Are you in love with Susana? Matthew: No, i am not. Jackie: That's great. Matthew: Yeah, it is. Later: in the gym: Matthew and Paris meet each other again in the gym. Matthew: Hey, you're here again. Paris: Yes, I'm here. Matthew: Are you really here to train? Paris: Yes, and I wanted to be sure that I could talk with you again. Matthew: Why? Paris: I don't really know why. Matthew and Paris are smiling to each other. Paris: Do you wanna come with me home? Matthew: Yeah, okay. They drive over to Paris's house. At Paris's house: Paris: You must think that it's weird, that you're are in my home. Matthew: No, that's fine. Paris: Okay, would you like to have something to drink? Matthew: Yes, water. Paris: Okay. Paris gives Matthew a glass of water. Matthew: Thank you, where are your parents? Paris: They are on vacation, that's why i have be at your house so much, because my parents know your mom and dad. Matthew: That's fine, when are they coming home? Paris: About one week. Matthew: Okay. Matthew and Paris are talking until it becomes evening. Matthew: Oh, no, I should have been home by now. Paris: Can't you call home? Matthew calls his mother. Beth: Yes. Matthew: It's me, Matthew. Beth: Where are you? Matthew: I am with a friend. Beth: Okay, do you sleep there? Matthew: Yes, I do. Beth: Okay. Paris: What did your mother say? Matthew: I told my mother that I'm sleeping here. Paris: Okay. Matthew is sleeping at Paris's house, but nothing happens.

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