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Next day: After breakfast: Matthew and Jackie are gonna be in a help people group to talk about what they will do for the world, and what their dreams are. Help people group leader: So, what's your dream to help the world? Matthew: My dream is to help the homeless people, there are so many homeless people who need a home. Help people group leader: I think it's good, but why is it your dream? Matthew: Because. Matthew can't say why, he suddenly runs out and waits. The help people group leader comes out to talk with Matthew. Help people group leader: Matthew, are you okay? Matthew: Yes, I'm okay, I'm sorry because I suddenly ran out, I just couldn't tell why, not in front of the other people in the group. Help people group leader: Can you tell me why? Matthew: Yes, I want to help the homeless people, because I have been homeless, Beth, my adoptive mom found me on the street and I got adopted after one year. Help people group leader: I didn't know that, but I'm sure you have a wonderful family. Matthew: Yes, I have, I have a little sister and a little brother. Later: Beth: How did it go in the help people group today? Matthew: Not so good. Beth: What does that mean? Matthew: That I was asked why I want to help the homeless people, and I said nothing, because I have been homeless. Paul: You are not homeless anymore. Matthew: I know. Paul: Are you sure you're okay? Matthew: Yes, Dad, I'm okay. Paul: I'm happy. Matthew: I don't want the other people to know that I have been homeless. Paul: You don't have to tell it, if you don't feel like it. Matthew: Thank you, Dad.

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