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Next day: Beth and Paul are sitting in the kitchen. Matthew is about to go into the kitchen, but he overhears Beth and Paul's conversation, he stands and listens. Beth: I don't know what more to do for Matthew. Paul: We've tried everything, for him to be happy again. Beth: Yeah, but maybe we should just let him be who he is, he may become happy again. Paul: Yeah, we're gonna try that. Beth: Yes, we can try and see what happens. Paul: It's a good idea. Matthew comes into the kitchen. Matthew: Hey. Beth: Hey. Matthew: I need to go to school. Paul: Okay. At the school: Matthew's teacher comes over to him, to talk with him. Teacher: Hey, can we talk? Matthew: Yes. Teacher: I know what your problem is, i think you're depressed. Matthew: But what can i do? Teacher: Come with me, you need to talk with a teacher, where you can get the right help. Matthew: Okay. They go into a help depression teacher, who helps people with depression. At the help depression teacher: help depression teacher: Do you want to talk about your problem? what is your name? Matthew: Matthew. help depression teacher: okay, tell me about your problem. Matthew: It started when I lied to my family, I had to be with my family that day, it was an important day for my little sister, but I snuck out of the house over to my ex girlfriend and I got drunk and my parents and my sister got mad at me, and then I drove away in my car, I couldn't handle that I had made a really big disappointment to my family. help depression teacher: did you came back to your family? Matthew: Yes, after 2 months, I was sad, and I have been for a long time, i'm tired of being sad all the time, i want to be happy again, but i don't know how.

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