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Beth: Hey Paul, that's a boy I need to help. Paul: can we talk about that alone. Beth: Okay. Beth and Paul goes into their kitchen and talk about things. Paul: Who is that boy? Beth: His name is Matthew, he needs my help, he is homeless and poor, he is afraid and he cries, he is from the street. Paul: From the street, people from the street, do you know what they do, they steal things. Beth: Paul, can't you give him a chance. Paul: i don't know if i can do that. Beth: I'm gonna help him and i'm gonna be his home school teacher. Paul: i don't trust that boy, i don't know him. Later: They are eating, but Beth dosen't like the way Matthew is eating. Beth: Matthew, That's wrong, you eat like an animal, you're not an animal, and your clothes are dirty again. Matthew get's sad again. Beth: don't be sad, I'm here to help you. Matthew: okay. Beth: Do you remember how to take a bath. Matthew: Yes, i think i know. Matthew goes to the bathroom and takes a bath. after half an hour is Matthew finished with taken a bath, and he takes a bath robe on, and then he goes to Beth, she wants to talk with him. Beth: Hey, we need to talk. Matthew: okay. Beth: you have to take a bath every morning, do you remember how to do. Matthew: Yes, I remember it. Beth: you'll learn it, and here are some night clothes, you can borrow it, until you get your own clothes. Matthew takes the night clothes on. afterwards Matthew goes to Beth. Matthew: Where do i have to sleep? Beth: do you want me to show you, your room. Matthew: my room? Beth: Yes, your room, come with me, i want to show it to you. Matthew: okay. Beth: It's in there. Matthew: okay. Beth: Have you ever had your own room? Matthew: No. Beth: Now you have your own room, it's the best room in the house. Matthew: Thank you. Matthew is lying down in the bed, and Beth says goodnight to him. Beth: good night. Matthew: good night. Beth goes to her husband. Paul: how long is that boy gonna be here? Beth: I don't know, but we need to help him, he is scared and sad, he is confused, everything is new to him. Paul: I don't hope for him that he steals. Beth: He does not steal from us, why should he do that for? Paul: don't you think that he will do that? Beth: no, because i trust him. Paul: i can't trust him. next day: Matthew wakes up and takes a bath, then he takes his clothes on. He goes into the kitchen to Paul and Beth, he is scared, he dosen't know how to act or how to be, he is confused. Beth: Hey, come here. Matthew sits down, next to Beth, he is confused. Beth: It's okay, don't be nervous. Matthew get's more confused and then he runs outside. Beth is running after him. Beth: What's wrong? Matthew: I'm just so confused, everything is confusing, everything is hard. Beth: Yes, I know, but everything's gonna be okay. Matthew: do you think it will be okay? Beth: yes. Matthew: i just don't know how to be, i never had a place to stay before. Beth: it's okay, you're gonna be okay. Matthew: do you think that? Beth: Yes of course. Matthew is crying. Beth comforts him. Beth: don't be sad, i know everything is confusing for you, but i promise you, you're gonna be fine. Matthew: i hope that.

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