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Beth: What was that all about? Paul: I think she heard about that you want to move soon. Matthew: I gotta talk with her. Matthew knocks on the door, to Jackie's room. Jackie: Come in. Matthew goes into her. Matthew: How much did you hear? Jackie: I heard everything, do you really want to move? Matthew: Yeah, i'm gonna be 20 soon, i have to think about it, not that i wanna leave you and Andrew, or mom and dad. Jackie: But what about me and Andrew? Matthew: I'm not gonna leave right now, i'm just thinking about getting my own place, where i can work, and help people. Jackie: I understand that you want to help people, but when are you moving? Matthew: As soon as i have found a house to live in. Jackie: I don't want you to move, you're my brother. Matthew: We can still visit each other, i won't move far away from here. Jackie: Okay. Matthew: I promise you, that if i move, i will find a place near mom and dad. Jackie: Thanks. Jackie is still mad at Matthew, but she keeps it inside herself.

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