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It's a new day and Matthew are just getting up, he takes his clothes on, and then he goes into the kitchen to eat. Matthew still have bandage on his elbow, but it's getting better. Beth: Hey Matthew. Matthew: Hey, can I ask you something? Beth: Yes, you may. Matthew: Do you and Paul ever find out if I can stay here or if I should move? Beth: We'll figure it out. Paul: The social workers are coming to talk with us next week. Matthew: Okay. Paul: It must have been hard for you, when you were out on the street again. Matthew: Yes, it was hard, but I met a girl. Paul: Was she nice to you? Matthew: Yes, she was talking to me. Beth: Was she homeless? Matthew: No, she was not, but we hung out together for a few weeks, she gave me food. Beth: That was sweet of her. Paul: Did you got a girlfriend? Matthew: No, she is just my friend, will I ever see her again? Beth: Maybe, who knows. Matthew: You're right, when I was out on the street, I didn't believe that you would be looking for me. Beth: We would have been looking for you, but Paige had already got the police to look after you. Matthew: Why must she always interfere in where I should stay or be? Paul: She is a social worker, her job is to interfere in it. Matthew: The only thing I want is to know is, where I should stay, I would really like to have a home. Beth: You'll get a real home, where you can stay. Matthew: Thanks. Paul: Can we ask you something? Matthew: Yes, of course. Beth: We know that it's not your birthday yet, but if you are still here with us, then we want to know what you want. Matthew is looking at their phones, he would like to have one. Matthew: I want a phone. Beth: Okay, that's a good idea. Matthew: Yes it is, i want a phone, so i can call you both.

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