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It's morning, Beth is sitting in the kitchen, she is waiting for the others to come into the kitchen, she has something to tell the others in the family. Matthew, Jackie and Paul enters the kitchen. Beth: Hey, everybody, I have something to tell you. Jackie: What would you tell us? Beth: We're going on vacation, but it's not an ordinary holiday. Matthew: What are we supposed to? Beth: It's a holiday, it's about doing something good for others. Matthew: Okay. Paul: We're going to fly. Jackie: Where are we going? Beth: We're flying to Denmark. Matthew: I've never been there before. Paul: the flight lasts 10 hours 20 minutes. Matthew: It's almost one day. Paul: Yeah, we must pack our stuff and get going. Matthew: Before we go, I gotta call Susana. Matthew calls Susana. Susana takes her phone. Susana: Yeah. Matthew: It's me. Susana: Hey. Matthew: I'm calling to tell you, that I am going on holiday with my family. Susana: Okay, I'll miss you, promise me that you'll call me. Matthew: Or you can call me? Susana: Yes, I can. Matthew: Okay. They pack all their things and drive to the airplane. Beth, Paul, Matthew, Jackie and Andrew, are flying from New York to Denmark. After 10 hours the plane is finally landing in Denmark. Matthew: Mom, how long are we gonna be here? Beth: We're gonna be here for one week. Matthew: Okay. They go in and retrieve two keys to their hotel. Jackie: Mom, where do I sleep? Beth: we should sleep in the same room, Matthew and Andrew is gonna sleep in the same room as dad. Jackie: Okay. Paul: Matthew, you'll have to help me, if Andrew suddenly is crying at night while we are here. Matthew: Okay, I'll help you. Paul: Thank you. Matthew: Do you think it will be a good vacation for me? Paul: Yes, of course, you'll probably learn something new. Matthew: Yes, I'm sure.

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