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it's morning and Matthew wakes up, he still dosen't feel good. Susana: Hey. Matthew: Hey. Susana's phone gets a message and she writes back to her parents. Susana: I gotta go. Matthew is running after her. Matthew: Where are you going? Susana: I have to go home, my family is missing me, I hope that you find a home soon. Matthew: Thanks, before you leave, can i ask you something? Susana: Yes. Matthew: Will we ever meet each other again? Susana: I don't know. Matthew: I will never forget you. Susana: the same here. Susana goes home, now is Matthew all alone again on the street. At home: Paige is calling Beth. Beth: It's Beth. Paige: It's Paige, I'm just calling to ask you, where do you think Matthew can be? Beth: I believe he is somewhere out on the street, the police should look after him on the street, maybe they can find him. Paige: Yeah, i will get the police to look after him, on every street in the city. Beth: Thanks. Paul: Was that Paige on the phone? Beth: Yes, the police are gonna look after Matthew on the street. Paul: i think he is on the street, but he dosen't belong on the street, he needs us. Beth: Yeah. Later: Matthew suddenly falls on the street and hit his elbow. Matthew: Ouch my arm. His elbow begins to bleed, he sits up and gets tears in his eyes, and he dosen't know what to do.

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