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Matthew is on his way home, he stops at a street, and he looks on the street, and he can remember when he was lonely, suddenly he can hear that someone is crying, he hurries over to see who it is. Matthew: Is there anyone here? There is a person who is trapped under alot of boards, so Matthew moves them, he sees a girl sit and cry. He helps the girl up so she no longer sits under the boards. Matthew: Are you okay? Jackie: Yes. Matthew: What's your name? Jackie: My name is Jackie, what's yours? Matthew: My name is Matthew, how old are you? Jackie: I'm 11 years. Matthew: Are you homeless? Jackie: Yeah, are you? Matthew: No, not anymore, I have a family and a home now, you can also get a home. Jackie: How? Matthew: I know some people who can help you, come with me. Jackie goes with Matthew. They're going to Paige and Josh. Paige: Hey Matthew, It's good to see you. Matthew: Yes, I found a homeless girl on the street. Josh: Hey, I'm Josh and this is my wife Paige, we're helping people to find homes. Jackie: My name is Jackie, I'm 11 years. Paige: Come here. Jackie walks over to Paige. Matthew called Paul and Beth, they're going to pick him up. Paul and Beth comes. Paul: Hey, is everything okay? Matthew: I found a homeless girl on the street today. Beth: Where is she now? Matthew: She's here, Paige and Josh is gonna help her. Paul and Beth gives Matthew a hug, and Jackie sees it. Jackie: I want a family, just like them. Paige: You'll get a family. Beth: Is that her? Matthew: Yes. Beth goes to Jackie. Beth: Hey. Jackie: Hey. Beth: My name is Beth, I'm Matthew's adoptive mother., how old are you? Jackie: I'm 11 years, i really want a family. Beth: I understand that. Matthew: Mom, can we talk with dad, alone. Beth: Yes. They go outside to talk. Paul: What's wrong? Matthew: That little girl needs a home. Beth: Yes, but how do you plan for her to get a home? Matthew: I was hoping you could give her a home. Paul: Do you mean in our home? Matthew: Yes, I would like her to stay with us. Beth: You know that I'm pregnant and we must soon make a room ready for the baby. Matthew: Yes, I know that, but i'm sad about Jackie, she's all alone, like I was. Beth: Me and your dad need to talk about that, alone. Matthew: Okay.

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