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After they have eaten, Matthew is sad. Susana: What's wrong? Matthew: My mother is really mad at me. Susana: For what? Matthew: Because of all that with Paris, but it's over now. Susana: You should talk with your mother about that. Matthew: Do you think that she wants to talk with me? Susana: Yeah, she's your mom, she loves you, she'll forgive you. Matthew: What about you, can you forgive me? Susana: Yes, I forgive you. Matthew: Thank you, I'd better get home. Matthew drives home to his family. The doorbell rings, Beth opens the door. Matthew: Mom. Beth: Matthew. Matthew gives his mother a hug. Matthew: I'm sorry for everything. Beth: It's okay, are you okay? Matthew: Yeah, i'm okay. Beth: Come in. Matthew goes with his mother into the living room. Beth: How are you? Matthew: I'm fine. Beth: What about Paris? Matthew: I broke up with her. Beth: Why? Matthew: Because I'm in love with her and another girl. Beth: You like Paris and Susana, both at once? Matthew: Yes, and I'm confused about it. Beth: You'll figure it out. Matthew: Thank you, Mom, can you forgive me? Beth: Yes, I forgive you. Matthew: Thanks, I've been so stupid lately. Beth gives Matthew a hug. Paul comes into the living room. Paul: Hey, Matthew. Matthew: Hey, Dad. Paul: You're home again? Matthew: Yeah. Paul: That's great. Matthew: Thanks, dad.

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