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It's morning: Jackie: When can Paris come over to dinner with us again? Matthew: Soon, I hope. Beth: She lives with her parents. Matthew: I know, i haven't meet them yet. Beth: You have to, they are nice. Matthew: Okay. Later: At the school: Matthew talks with Paris. Matthew: My parents want to invite you to dinner, now that we're dating. Paris: Okay, when? Matthew: Do you have time tonight? Paris: Yeah, I'll come over tonight. Matthew: When can I meet your parents? Paris: Soon, i hope. Matthew: That's good. Susana is jealous at Paris, because she is with her ex boyfriend. Later: At home: It's evening and the family is waiting for Paris to come. Paul: When is Paris coming? Matthew: She's coming, she is on the way. Paul: Okay. The doorbell rings, Matthew opens the door. Matthew: Hey, come in. Paris: Hey. Beth: Dinner is ready, let's eat. They sit and eat in the kitchen. at the kitchen table: Paris: My parents are coming home from their vacation soon. Matthew: That's good, but then we can't sleep together anymore. Beth looks pissed at Matthew. Matthew: What's wrong, Mom? Beth: Matthew, what are you thinking? Matthew: What do you mean? Beth: You're sleeping with her? Matthew: Nothing happend, we were just sleeping next to each other. Beth: Paris, i know you're a sweet girl, but i don't want you and Matthew to sleep together. Matthew: Mom, stop it, Paris is my girlfriend, no matter what happend. Paris: I'd better go, I'll call you. Matthew: Okay. Paris is driving home, Matthew is mad at his mother, he goes into his room.

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