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Matthew goes over to Paris to talk with her. Paris: Hey. Matthew: Hey. Paris: You still seem mad at me. Matthew: Why did you want to help me and my family? Paris: Because you felt lonely, and you didn't felt at home, I did it because I'm a kind and helpfull person, i think about other people, i did this because i care about you, i wanted to help you and your family. Matthew: I like that, is that why you were ignoring me, i feel stupid about that. Paris: I'm sorry, i only ignored you, because i wanted to suprise you and your family. Matthew: I know. Paris: I like to help people. Matthew: Me too, it's my dream to help people, and i wanna try to help people the best way i can. Paris: Me too, but what about me and Susana, have you made a decision about who you want to be with? Matthew: Yeah, i have made a decision. Paris: Okay, do you wanna tell me? Matthew: I wanna be with you, it's you I belong with, we belong together. Paris: Matthew, I love you. Matthew: I love you too. They kiss each other on the mouth. Later: Beth and Paul goes over to Matthew and Paris. Beth: Hey. Matthew: Hey, Mom. Paul: What are you doing? Matthew: Me and Paris are together again. Beth: That's great. Paris: We both want to help people. Paul: That's a good thing. Matthew: Yeah, Paris is the one i can share my dreams with. Paris: Yeah. Beth: We are happy for you both. Matthew: Thanks, mom.

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