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Matthew: No, i don't feel so good, my elbow hurts. Beth: Your elbow bleeds, we'd better get a doctor to examine you. They drive to the hospital. At the hospital: The doctor is talking with Matthew. Doctor: How are you? Matthew: I don't feel so good. Doctor: Let me see what I can do. The doctor examines Matthew, but there's nothing wrong with him. Doctor: Your elbow is not broken, but it must remain stable for a few days. The doctor gives Matthew bandage on his elbow. Matthew: Thanks, it hurts a little, because i've been out on the street for a few months, and i fell. Doctor: You're not sick, it's a good thing, you just need to go home and relax, everything's gonna be fine. Matthew: Thank you. Matthew goes to Paul and Beth. Beth: You're coming with us, back to our home. Matthew: Thanks, I really need to take a bath. Paul: You can take a bath when we get home. Matthew: Thanks. they drive home. at home: Matthew takes a bath and put on clean clothes. afterwards: Matthew goes into his room, he has missed to sleep in a regular bed, he sits on his bed, and Beth knocks on his door and goes into his room to talk with him, she sits down beside him. Beth: It's good that you're back here. Matthew: Thank you, I've missed this room, it has really been a tough year for me. Beth: Yeah, i know, but don't be sad about that. Matthew: You still don't know if I can stay here or not? Beth: that's right, but I hope that you can stay here, this time, no one is allowed to take you away from here again. Matthew: Thanks, it means alot for me.

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