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It's been a few months, Matthew still trains at the gym, now he can go fast again. At the school: James sees Matthew and goes over to him. James: Hey. Matthew: Hey, what are you doing here? James: I came, because Susana forgot her phone. Matthew: Okay. James: Are you still training at the gym? Matthew: Yeah, I'm well again. James: That's great, how did you get to school? Matthew: My mother has driven me. James: Okay. Matthew: I'm afraid to drive in my car, after the car accident. James: it's gonna be okay, you'll get to drive in your car again. Matthew: Thanks, where is your sister? James: She is coming. Susana comes, she goes over to James and Matthew. Matthew: Hey, Susana, i need to talk with you, now. Susana: Fine. Matthew: I am really sorry that I have behaved badly towards you, I'm just so confused, I've been through alot, and I would never hurt you, I wanna be friends with you. Susana: But I like you. Matthew: I know, but can we be friends? Susana: Okay. Later: At home: Beth: Are you ready to drive in your car again? Matthew: Not really, what if I panic? Beth: It will be okay. Matthew: Thank you, Mom. Paul: It's gonna be okay. Matthew: Thank you, Dad. Matthew get's into his car and starts the car, he breathes quietly, so he's not going to panic. He drives slowly in the car, he is getting used to drive in his car again, and then he is finally able to drive again without problems, he drives back home. At home: Matthew: It succeeds for me, without problems. Beth: I'm so proud of you. Paul: We knew that you could drive in your car again. Jackie: How do you feel now? Matthew: I feel good. Jackie: I'm happy, that you feel good. They all give each other a hug.

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