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It's evening and Matthew is thinking: Now I'm back on the street, and I'm all alone again. Matthew is drinking his beer and he get's drunk, and then he falls asleep. Next day: Beth and Paul goes to Paige and Josh to talk with them. Paige: Hey Beth, hey Paul. Paul: Where is Matthew? Paige: He ran away, the police are looking for him, but they have not found him yet. Beth: It's your fault, I thought we were friends, and you knew that he liked to be with us. Paige: I'm sorry, I'll do everything i can to help you and Paul to find a family to Matthew. Beth: I can't trust you, you spy on me, you took Matthew from us, how we are friends with each other? Paige: You said to him, he should go with us. Beth: Yeah, to see if you and your husband would change your mind, but you didn't. Paige: I'm really sorry, I hope that we still can be friends with each other. Beth: Only if Matthew himself gets to decide where he wants to stay, until we find a home for him. Paige: I promise. Beth: Good. Paul: We need to find him, he is important to us. Josh: If the police finds him, we'll do our best, so that he can get a family and a home, that he likes to be with. Paul: Yes, that boy needs a place to live, that he likes to be with. Matthew wakes up, he is alone. Matthew: I don't feel so good, I really wish I was with Paul and Beth right now. Matthew is sad, his clothes has become dirty and he freezes, and he is all alone, so he drinks more beer, and he get's drunk again, and he dosen't know where he belongs anymore, he feels so lost.

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