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Next day: Matthew is still in the hospital. The doctor comes in to ask Matthew if he can remember what happened. Doctor: Hey, I need to ask you something. Matthew: Okay. Doctor: How are you? Matthew: I'm a little dizzy. Doctor: Do you remember what happened? Matthew: Yes, I remember I was angry. Doctor: are you mad at someone? Matthew: Yes i am. Doctor: Who are you mad at? Matthew: I'm mad at Beth, because she told me, that she would find a home for me, but the social workers says that Beth can't find a home for me and I got mad and I went out on the street, and I was beaten up by some guys from the street, and then everything went black. Doctor: But you remember? Matthew: Yes, I remember. Doctor: Okay, you just need to relax more, you will soon recover, you're a strong person. Matthew: Okay. The doctor is going to talk with Beth and Paul. Beth: How is he? Doctor: He's a little dizzy, but he'll recover. Paul: That's good. Paul goes over to talk with Matthew. Paul: Hey, how are you? Matthew: I feel a little dizzy, but I'm still mad at Beth. Paul: She is sad. Matthew: I can't trust her anymore. Paul: Yes, you can, Beth wants to help you. Matthew is sad, and angry. Beth: Matthew, do you wanna talk to me? Matthew looks the other way. Beth: I'm really sorry, but I will do everything I can to help you, but you must believe me when I say that, I'm sad because you are so mad at me, but I understand that, i just hope we can talk about things, if you want to. Matthew: I can't trust you anymore. Beth is sad. Matthew is sad and he starts to get tears in his eyes, Beth sees that he gets tears in his eyes, and she tries to comfort him, but he won't have it, he is confused.

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