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The social workers Paige and Josh, are coming to talk with Paul and Beth, about Jackie. Paul: Hey, come in. Josh, Paige and Paul goes into the living room. Beth, Jackie and Matthew are sitting there. Paige: Hey, Matthew. Matthew: Hey. Josh: How's Jackie here in the house? Beth: She's fine. Jackie: Yeah, I like being here. Paul: But we still don't know if we can keep her. Matthew: I would like to keep Jackie here with us. Beth: I would also like to keep Jackie here a little longer, but like Paul says, we don't know if we can keep her, especially after the baby is born. Paige: Where's the baby? Beth: He sleeps. Josh: It's a boy? Beth: Yes, It's a boy. Suddenly the baby is crying. Matthew: Mom, Dad, I'll go in and look for the baby. Paul: Thank you. Matthew goes into the little Andrew. Matthew takes little Andrew up of the little baby bed, and he goes into the living room to the rest of the family. Matthew: Look who's awake. Beth: Andrew, come here, come over to mom. Andrew sits on his mother's lap. Paige: He's so cute. Beth: Yes, and he is a wonderful boy, just like Matthew is. Josh: Back to Jackie. Paul: We would like Jackie to stay here a little longer. Beth: Yes, she fits in well with us. Jackie: Yes, I would like to stay here. Josh: We will give you a little more time here, before Beth and Paul and you can take the final decision. Jackie: Thank you. Paige: We must return to our work. Josh: And our own children. Josh and Paige goes back to their work. Jackie is sad, Matthew sits down beside her. Matthew: What's wrong? Jackie: Nothing, it's just, what if your parents don't have enough room for me? Matthew: Don't be sad, I know how it feels to be alone, and not knowing where to belong, it sucks. Jackie: If I can't stay here, where should I be ? Matthew: I don't know, but I hope that my parents can keep you here for a long time. Jackie: Thank you, Matthew. Matthew: I'm here for you. Jackie: Thanks.

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