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Next day: it's afternoon, Matthew and Paris are sitting next to each other in the living room, they are holding hands. James and Emily are visting them, before they leave. Matthew: So, you two are really leaving? James: Yeah, tomorrow. Matthew: That's great, i'm happy for you two, but we're gonna miss you both. Emily: Yeah, we're gonna miss you both too. Matthew: Thanks. At home: Beth is talking with Jackie about Matthew. Beth: Jackie, you need to understand that Matthew is gonna move away, no matter what. Jackie: But he is my brother, it's too hard for me. Beth: I know, it's hard for me too, but i support Matthew, i really do, i love him, i'm happy that i found him on the street, when he was alone and homeless. Jackie: You gave me a home too. Beth: Yeah, because your brother wanted me and dad to adopt you, we did if for him and for you. Jackie: Thanks, mom, you're such a good and nice person. Beth: Thanks, you have a big and good heart too. Paul knocks on the door. Jackie: Come in. Paul comes into them. Paul: Hey, how are you? Jackie: I'm still sad. Paul: It's gonna be okay. Jackie: Maybe. Beth: I think you and Matthew need to talk with each other soon. Jackie: Yeah, maybe.

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