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It's morning: There's a letter to Matthew. Beth: There is a letter for you. Matthew: Thanks, it's from the school I have applied for. Paul: Did you get in? Matthew: Let me read it. Matthew opens the letter and reads it. Matthew: Mom, Dad, I got in to the school. Beth: It's good. Matthew: Yes, it starts about four months. Paul: You have plenty of time to relax, now that you stop at the other school. Matthew: Yes, I am happy that I have to move on in my career, it's my dream to help people. Later: At school: Matthew, Susana and James stops at the school. Susana: I'm about to have a party at my house, I hope you can come. Matthew: Yes, of course I can come to your party. Susana: That's good. Matthew: Yes, I have gotten into the school I applied to. Susana: I'm happy for you. Matthew: Thank you, have you gotten into the school, you have applied to? Susana: Yeah, I got in, and my brother. Matthew: That's good. Susana: Yeah, me and my brother at the same school, again. Matthew: I am sorry that me and James are enemies. Susana: He has apologized to you, many times. Matthew: Yeah, I'm sorry that it didn't work out with me and James's friendship. Susana: It's not your fault, I have to go home and plan a party for the weekend. Matthew: Okay. Susana: I hope that you can come, my parents are not home, they are out to help people. Matthew: I'm coming, don't worry.

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