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It's morning, and Matthew is still alone, he wakes up from a bad dream, he is having a headache, because he was drinking beer, he get's tears in his eyes, and then he goes out and sits out on the street, there are other people who are homeless. Matthew drinks his beer and he is sad. Suddenly a girl is walking around the street, she sees Matthew, he looks sad, she goes to him. Susana: Hey. Matthew: Hey. Susana: I couldn't help but notice that you are sitting here, all alone. Matthew: Yes, I'm all alone. Susana: My name is Susana. Matthew: My name is Matthew. Susana: Why are you sitting here all alone? Matthew: Because i don't have a home, I'm homeless. Susana: That's really sad. Matthew: Are you homeless? Susana: No, I'm not. Matthew: Then why are you here? Susana: i just ran away from home, my parents are busy with their work, and they don't think so much of me and my brother. Matthew: I was so close to getting a home, but that never happens. Susana: You were close to getting a home, what do you mean? Matthew: The people who let me stay with them, they are nice people, but the social workers wants to find another place for me, but I would rather stay with the woman who found me on the street, and her husband. Susana: Maybe they're looking for you. Matthew: I don't think that they do. Susana: Can I stay here for a few days or weeks, so we can hang out together? Matthew: Of course. Susana: Thanks. At home: Paul and Beth are concerned about Matthew. Beth: I'm so worried about Matthew. Paul: Me too, but I'm sure he's fine. Beth: What if people from the street knocks him down again? Paul: He was living there for 14 years, he'll come back to us. Beth: I really hope you're right, I really want to help him, he deserves a home more than anything.

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